perverse optimism

OK, so I’ve found some optimism in the misery of friends. No I’m not experiencing schadenfreude, but rather I think it’s just the way I try to look at all things positively, because ultimately whatever happens does, so you should make the most of every situation.

So I used schadenfreude, don’t hate me. You know you’ve seen this word all over the place lately. What’s the deal with that anyhow. If you want the Webster definition here it is. I came across it a while back when I was trying to learn more new words all the time for my budding journalistic career (which didn’t go longer than a year in college, when I realized I hated working on hard deadlines and that’s a big part of the journalistic world – well, that, long hours and being underpaid…)

So back to my perverse optimism. Lately a lot of things are going shitty for a lot of my friends, and two of my closest friends I’ve recently learned have been writing a lot (like I am now too). What I like is that writing, as any other outlet for expression, is a wonderful thing. In fact, I really like writing now (as in the writing on paper or other surface) more than I ever have in the past. Perhaps it’s techno overkill that’s bringing me back to analog indulgences, but it’s fun to write. Of course I’ve penned a few letters with a Sharpie, and it expressly says on the Sharpies that they are NOT for letter writing… oh well…

Anyhow, getting back to the point of this long entry, it’s good to see my friends having to express themselves in constructive ways. Reading journal entries of your friends is a powerful thing, and I think it helps you empathize with them, and also look at yourself.

Oh yeah, here’s something I wrote on paper (with a Sharpie) that I transcribed to my full on journal and am adding here too:

“…lustfully eyeing another photographer’s 1D which I would normally not have done, except for the fact that I knew deep down that we were going to be ordering one from B and H very soon, and when the email came from Jack postulating a question about the timing of the purchase of our 1D to coincide with his birthday – which, incidentally is this coming weekend – I knew that to be the final sign, and readily responded to the email with my full support. Inside I was smiling and feeling a little like a child does the night before they go to bed on Christmas Eve.”