I’ve been thinking about some random stuff lately, and one thing on my mind probably since my first trip out to Burning Man is the concept of Temporary Autonomous Zones (TAZ) which is a term I only recently came across, but the concept is familiar and enticing. I found out about TAZ (the term) from this guy from the Madagascar Institute (how appropriate) who was out at Burning Man last year. His crew built an amazing octopus way out on the playa which was one of my favorite installations this year.

Back to the point, he mentioned to me that I should check out this book called the Temporary Autonomous Zone by Hakim Bey. I found it at Powell’s Books online and got it and have been reading through it on my current trip. I think Vann Miller would be into it, being the anarchist that he is, since many of the principles/thoughts are anarchist in nature. I guess my inner anarchist has been coming out lately, since I’ve been vandalizing public places with stickers of various sorts, such as “Fuck Work.”

So what is the point of this rambling entry? None I guess except that I do have a desire to some day live in a TAZ on a more semi-permanent or permanent nature. Burning Man is not quite it, but it’s close, but maybe after orange and my stay in SF finishes, I’ll move to Madagascar, and try and do this. The funny thing (now I am remembering why I am writing) is that several people and groups have been thinking about these same thoughts. Our landlord Chris has told us he would love to own a giant greenhouse somewhere in Canada and own some land where he can live himself off the land, and greenhouse all by himself. His own TAZ.

There’s also this crew called Ko Pha Ngon in SF, named after the island in Thailand famous for the full moon parties. They are looking to set up a commune type situation there, where they farm, build, maintain and live on the land, and then throw parties ever full moon as well. They sent out an email looking for people with building, farming, construction, etc. skills. Perhaps the notion is gaining momentum as people get more and more fed up with the way ‘society’ is ‘progressing,’ but I find it heartening to know that I am not alon