The Hug

a quick edit: i saw another blog that let’s you indicate what you are listening to or what your mood is at entry time, so I thought I’d add that – I am listening to Interpol – Turn on the Bright Lights

So my friend Dusty made a cool design called the hug (below) and I was just reading about the power of hugs (really!). Kinda interesting so I figured I’d jot it down.

“A simple hug can set in motion a whole healing response by ‘injecting’ a dose of love energy from hugger to huggee, and this effect can be scientifically verified in the clinic by testing the huggee’s blood for the presence of antibodies, hormones and nerochemicals associated with the PNI healing response, both before and immediately after the hug has been administered.”

Now that’s a pretty scientific explanation of what I am sure most of us kinda know inside, but it was humorous to read the terms hugger and huggee for the first time in text.