Bowling for Columbine

I’ve never had Jarritos although they are always there when I get my tasty burritos at Pancho Villa where I went today with my friend Maria after checking out Bowling for Columbine.

What a great flick. The thing I was most happy to see was how basically everyone in America doesn’t trust the government whether it’s the Michigan militia lady who wants to ‘cut out the middleman’ and arm herself, or my progressive left-wing friends who are against our bloated government and scary leader, Dubya.

Anyhow, I highly suggest checking out this film as it’s both entertaining and a good eye-opener and refresher on what’s been going on in this country far too long….

Oh yeah, once again I’m enjoying Interpol – Turn on the Bright Lights.

One thought on “Bowling for Columbine”

  1. Jarritos are okay. I bought one at Wal-Mart back home once. For the cheapness, it’s not bad. You know, I don’t see them here, though maybe they would be sold at food shops on Buford. I haven’t seen Bowling for Columbine…Michael Moore came here last year to talk, but I didn’t see him either. I need to see more movies for sure.

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