It’s all about timing

Isn’t it weird how things always seem to happen at opportune (or maybe extremely inopportune) times?

I just finished reading a passage from The Marriage of Sense and Soul by Ken Wilbur, which I received for Xmas in 1999 and picked up to re-read/finish reading.

The excerpt discusses Kant’s Critique of Judgement and goes in a lot of detail that I don’t feel like going into, but these lines should sum it up in a thought-provoking manner: “And if ART is the great bridge between science and morals, is not world salvation in the hands of the artists?”

– In the Denon: Weezer – Maladroit

One thought on “It’s all about timing”

  1. timing is pretty interesting. i just got a book from the libaray entitled “creative spiritulality”, the way of the artists. i have only read through the first chapter but it sounds promosing.

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