Seating arrangements

Ah yes, I got my fix of Social Grace again, this time learning something new and useful. Did you know the etiquette for seating when you are with a guest/date varies from sitting in a booth vs. sitting at a table with chairs? As SG puts it herself:

“If you’re trying to create a ‘ladies first’ feeling, the women should have the better seats – for example, the two that offer a good view of the restaurant. Or if one pair are the guests of the other, you may choose to put the guests in the better seats. If, however, neither of these scenarios applies, ladies sit next to their gentlemen (in a booth, ladies enter first), a setup that makes conversation easier. (Each diner can make direct eye contact with everyone but his or her significant other – with whom, presumably, he or she can communicate without that aid.) At a four-person table with a chair on each side, ladies sit across from their gentlemen. It makes playing footsie under the table more interesting.”

In the CD player: my friend DJ Bali‘s demo CD that he gave me…