sleepy town

I love SF when it gets quiet and more peaceful. That’s not to say I don’t like things to be going on, but it’s like an instant vacation. SF is transformed into a more empty city, where you have to be even more creative to enjoy yourself. There are parking spots in parts of town that never have them (which doesn’t help a carless person) but walking through town has a different feel to it.

So if you don’t know it already, I love MUNI. Ever since I moved here, it’s been my most reliable form of public transportation (OK, so there are like only two options, and I rarely ride BART b/c of where I am usually going).

Well, I was at Villians in the Haight and saw that someone is making MUNI shirts which I’ve been wanting for a while. Unfortunately, the designs have a logo of the company that makes them on the bottom of the front of the shirts, so today I decided to give myself a DIY project to make my own MUNI shirts.

This is the logo design that I think I’ll use for the first one, and then go from there…