
So I went to find my sister some locally made crafts for her Xmas and Birthday gifts. She gets gipped (pronounced ‘Jipd’ – aka ripped off) since her birthday is just five days after Xmas. Anyhow, there was also several bands and a fashion show and I had the trusty camera of course…

One thing I heard earlier that was kinda funny was how technology has gotten to the point where people are now buying TiVO’s and they never did figure out how to set their VCRs so a whole generation of technology has passed, and obviously it was flawed since people who are now buying and using a supposedly more advanced technology are able to use it much more effectively, and have avoided that dreaded


… (man, where’s the blink tag when you need it! OK IE folks, it’s not blinking for you, but I tried.)

In the CD player: Belle and Sebastian – fold your hands child, you walk like a peasant