
My sister graduated from Emory and I forgot about the academic atmosphere that surrounds places of higher education…. maybe that’s because I graduated and attended public schools but I did get a feel of scholarliness (there’s a non-word private school kids would never use)…

Anyhow, I had a great time relaxing in the Southeast and eating lots of good food with my sis who has a knack for picking out the best eats.

On the eats scene, here’s a summary of my ATL visit…

Sushi Huku – Damn, this place is the best Japanese I’ve had in a while and rivals some places in SF. Very good atmosphere, ambience, service and of course food. The sushi was tasty and fresh, and their ‘crunchy roll with fresh salmon” was exquisite. The other sushis were also good, and the service was amazingly polite in a genuine Japanese sort of way.

Planet Bombay – across the street from the Junkman’s Daughter in L5P is Planet Bombay which is pretty nondescript from the outside, but the food inside is clean and tasty. The rice is light, but soaks up the delicious offerings quite well. I had my favorite chicken masala which was made very well. It’s not pricey either, and nice and chill inside. Definitely a good place to grab some eats in Little Five Points.

Murphy’s – a fancier place than I normally go to, but the food was very good here, with a nice simple menu, without an overabundance of choices. The patio seating is choice, so get there early if you can although most of your view will be blocked by SUVs. I had the Chicken, Spinach & Bacon Burger which is probably not what you would imagine but very filling and a unique taste.

Fritti is in a pretty cool space, where we decided to sit inside although it was all open air. In a part of town I hadn’t been to before, it was a relaxed but somewhat upscale atmosphere. The pizzas are what they are known for and they are quite good.

Commune was the most posh and trendy of the restaurants we went to and also the most disappointing. The service was poor, and I felt like I got the type of service you’d expect from a college town dive restaurant. Sad, since the space could be cool, but with such terrible service (and I noticed others experiencing the shared ‘looking-around-trying-to-find-a-service-person-and-always-having-to-ask-for-things’ look as well). Oh well, the food was decent, but it’s not a place I would recommend to anyone.

The Blimpie’s in the Toco Hills plaza I’ve eaten at with my sister before, but it was super yummy as always. I’m a Blimpie man over Subway but Quizno’s is coming a close second. Always get the same: Blimpie Best on wheat…

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