Hollywood plot…

Holy cow, this weekend was a crazy one. I haven’t posted for a while it feels like, but I have to jot down some notes from this weekend’s LA adventure. I was down there to shoot a bodybuilding show, but it was kind of a bust since there was pretty crappy turnout, but I made up for it…

I had plans to stay with two friends while I was down there to save on costs, and the first night stayed with a good friend who I found out was getting a divorce b/c she caught her husband cheating on her, which she had suspected, among other things… there’s a lot more to it, but it’s not something I’m going to go into now.

It was a bit of foreshadowing though, it seems, as the next night I when I arrive at my other friend’s house, she introduced me to her boyfriend. We all chatted a bit and I got a strange vibe off the boyfriend guy, but whatever… I decided it was just that he was a different kinda person than me, which he is.

Well, he had to go to work, and my friend wanted to go check out the bodybuilding competition so we headed out for the show. Afterwards, we were starving and decided to go grab some grub. We chowed down at a tasty Mexican place and talked about all sorts of things catching up and all. Eventually it came up that she actually wasn’t going out with the ‘boyfriend’ but that they had broken up a lot and were actually in another one of those periods. Well, we kept chatting about other subjects, and then we decided to jet and go check out a club where a friend of mine was DJing.

However, my friend first asked to stop off at her place to grab a drink before we headed out. Well, she went into the bathroom to change, and during the ride back and towards the end of dinner, I was sort of feeling a bit of good tension building between us.

When she emerged from the bathroom in a change of clothing that was less ‘going out’ than what she had on before, and with that look in her eyes, I knew it was ‘on’ and we ended up hooking up…

Well, just after we were resting and about to crash out in her bed, her ‘boyfriend’ guy shows up at the house, and I frantically was looking for my bits of clothing to put back on, but they were strewn about the room all over the place, so he busts in on us naked in bed – not good.

He proceeded to go off on us, and freaked out, and threatened me with various forms of unpleasurable violence, but luckily, some pushing and shoving was all it amounted too. He eventually stormed off and that was that, but the drama left us feeling a bit out of sorts, especially in relation to where we were just at.

Needless to say, it was quite an episode, and I felt like I was just in a movie or TV show… considering the fact that my friend is an actress among other things, I guess I should have expected no less… ah LA

3 thoughts on “Hollywood plot…”

  1. Yeah, pictures! I want to see the look that guy had on his face when he walked in on you wearing the banana hammock and pasties.


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