if it doesn’t kill you…

shit, I have been devastating myself physically but somehow aside from being wiped out mentally, I’ve been ok.

There have been a lot of events lately, and for the first time ever, I was late to a gig. It sucked big time, but luckily it was someone I’ve known for a bit so he was not so pissed about it.

The events have all been fun though. I love the challenge of making them interesting while I work although I don’t know how good the photos are, but the drive to build relationships and keep our biz pipeline filled is a great motivator. Plus I love the whole Robin Hood-ness of it all…

This weekend reminded me of Burning Man debauchery, but I think it was a good thing. Well of course it was, b/c I had fun doing it and probably did some things I shouldn’t have.

Anyhow, I have to get ready for the Olympia weekend that’s coming up. Having Katie on board rocks, since so much of the daily emails I generally have to deal with are being pushed her way, and I get to focus on making sure our clients pay us on time. Plus we’re doing some planning and it’s very motivating to see how things are moving along.

Now I just gotta clear my head out since when I get back the rest of the crew will also be back, and I have to tape my Dating Story show.