ends and beginnings

Saw the Matrix Revolutions last night under the influence and it was farily enjoyable. While some of the themes were a bit overly obvious and it drug on in parts, it was good enough. I think my order of enjoyment starts with the original, then Reloaded, and finally Revolutions.

I guess the thing I missed most about each successive film was the dilution of the themes of what reality is, and the post-modern worldview that seemed to become more and more special effects/Hollywood-ized in the second two films. Plus the Merovingian scenes could have been much more exciting, and worst of all, there wasn’t enough Persephone… (some of these thoughts I just saw echoed on this site)

I did see a preview for The Return of the King, and that was the only preview I did like. That should rock, and I’m definitely eagerly awaiting the final installment of that trilogy.

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