
I guess my sister and I are both considered ‘quirkyalones‘ which is a term I had heard before and just revisited when my Flavorpill email came in. Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, I guess it’s quite appropriate.

Anyhow I took the quiz at that page and I am:
Your score was 91. Very quirkyalone:
Relatives may give you quizzical looks, and so may friends, but you know in your heart of hearts that you are following your inner voice. Though you may not be romancing a single person, you are romancing the world. Celebrate your freedom on National Quirkyalone Day, February 14th!

my sis

4 thoughts on “Quirkyalone”

  1. My score was 66. Somewhat quirkyalone (otherwise known as quirkytogether):
    You are probably part of a mysterious group of people, the quirkytogethers. You share many of our quirky qualities, but you manage to find yourself, on a regular basis, in a coupled situation. Interesting.

  2. I got a score of 110

    Very quirkyalone:
    Relatives may give you quizzical looks, and so may friends, but you know in your heart of hearts that you are following your inner voice. Though you may not be romancing a single person, you are romancing the world. Celebrate your freedom on National Quirkyalone Day, February 14th!

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