What matters

There was this story about this homeless guy who’s almost a millionaire that was in the Chronicle today. I like the fact that he doesn’t give a shit about money and stuff. Of course being an alcoholic isn’t the coolest thing.

I also saw Monster last night, and first off Charlize Theron is great. I kept trying to visualize the Hollywood version of her during the film but couldn’t. Anyhow the thing I got outta that movie is the same thing – what really matters? If your mind is a bit off-kilter, then what you believe matters may still be grounded in the same thing as what is important to others, but twisted in it’s ‘implementation’

So essentially if love is so important it is just like religion and other things where ultimately people kill each other in the name of it, and justify just about anything, because if something is the most important thing, then that in itself justifies the means…

On a lighter note, on New Years, I didn’t feel much love in the air, but a lot of alochol breath and general lighthearted joy. Only got two pix that I really liked…