Shaolin Soccer

Saw this last night and it’s pretty funny – of course it melds my favorite sport (soccer) with martial arts, camp, special effects, and it’s all quite playful. It’s basically a good vs. evil Hong Kong Kung Fu flick meets the Matrix with a lot of Bruce Lee references as well. The film compliments herbal intake as well. Just wish there were better previews although a film called Robot Stories that looked pretty interesting. Seems like robots are the hot thing with I Robot coming out at some point this year as well.

I am glad that science fiction is getting more interesting stories made into film. A friend of mine gave me a Phillip K Dick compilation and I just finished reading it. I think I may have to get some more of him since I will be on the road a bit and travel time seems the best for reading. I’m in the midst of Jihad vs. McWorld by Benjamin Barber which is a really good read too, although he’s a bit academic in the way he writes.

One thought on “Shaolin Soccer”

  1. hey gene mad props on the 31 project, lots of cool photos and i like how it tells a kind of story of your life. tripppy

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