Clue: Prison Island, Not Alcatraz

My friend works on a prison island up in Washington state and I got to kick it with him one night after covering the 2004 Emerald Cup. It is called McNeill Island and it was totally amazing. Lush greenery (standard I guess for the Pac NW), lots of wildlife, a great shoreline on Puget Sound, and amazing views of three different mountain/ranges.

typical view of Ranier from the Island

i have a personal fascination with light streaming into dark barns or old decrepit buildings like this one… should have spent more time though making a good shot

most of the headstones just had #s on them. Luckily, this guy had a sense of humor

a cool installation art piece made by the inmates

yes, there actually is such a thing as quicksand and it’s out here. My friends told me one inmate fell in and it took like five people to get him out of it… doh!

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