Theory of Specialized SuperPowers and Super Size Me

So while watching the “Big Mac Man” aka Don Gorske it really seemed like his super power was the ability to eat Big Mac as often as he does while avoiding most of the adverse health effects such a diet would have on most mortals.

This is great evidence of the Theory of Specialized SuperPowers. The theory is a bit long, but one principle of it is that once a superpower is taken, it generally can’t be taken again. So since the good ones like flying were taken early, we don’t have a lot of good ones left. But with humans being the creative people that we are, we figure out more specialized powers to have and cultivate those as Mr Gorske has. Of course his power wouldn’t have been conceived until the creation of the Big Mac so ripoff artists may take a variation on a theme and have a superpower like “ability to eat unlimited In-n-Out Double Doubles Animal Style with no pickles with no adverse health effects.”

I did note the In-n-Out sticker in the directors office and saw that he later admitted that while not eating McDs anymore, he will indulge in the best the fast food world has to offer, In-n-Out….

My favorite shot from the Rebuilding Together Ball on Saturday night…

One thought on “Theory of Specialized SuperPowers and Super Size Me”

  1. What’s your superpower? Maybe mine is the ability to start things (like blogs) but never finish them (or keep up with them). Actually, I still think mine is perfect teeth — although that may be the most boring superpower ever.

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