Day 4 – Party Time

Liudmilla Tsubolczeva

The Finals began with a parade of athletes that was really neat. Seeing the delegates and an athlete representative with their flag was inspiring, especially for those smaller countries and ones that are further away from Spain. Once the welcome ceremonies finished, it was time for the competition and it was another long day and like many other shows in the sport, it wasn’t without a bit of controversy in the final results. Of course this being bodybuilding and fitness/figure, that is pretty much par for the course.

When the finals ended, it left a few hours before people would be getting ready for the banquet and party. It’s a nice touch to have an official party that is for everyone since in many of the shows in the states I’ve been to, the parties are separate entities and not part of the official festivities for the competition. The athletes looked amazing and would have been the perfect advertisement for why everyone should appreciate them. While people mingled for the first half and enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, everyone drank and relaxed until the disco portion opened up and I have to say that the Czech Republic ladies definitely were having fun on the dance floor including Eva Supkova who was getting down! Johanna Dajeager pulled me out on the dance floor and we grooved for a bit. By the end of the night, everyone was sweating and ready to get on the buses back to the hotels to crash out…