Day 5 – Women’s Worlds

Johanna Dejager

Waking up to a hangover never is fun, but at least this time it was for a good reason. It has been clear and sunny everyday until today and it’s overcast. Luckily that’s actually good for shooting so I had four shoots that I fit in. First up was Slovakian Aurelia Grazjnova who took second in the heavyweights and was a very pleasant woman, although I couldn’t really talk to her, but had to go through her translator. Next up was Kiwi Joanna Stewart. I have to say that everyone I met from New Zealand was so pleasant and everyone I’ve ever met from there is so nice. At 43, Joanna still looks amazing and said she’ll most likely be back for the 2005 edition. Finally Monica Hoeyer, Pia Johnsen’s friend was the final photoshoot. She had injured her foot at an earlier shoot and was hobbled by that, but was a trooper to shoot still.

After dinner at the hotel, I went by the Caprici Verd and ran into John again (who incidentally was reading Haruki Murakami’s Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World) and we were chatting when Joanne and Mark Stewart from New Zealand walked by and invited us to dinner and we accepted. Several hours and enjoyable conversation later, we headed back to the hotel to crash out.

2 thoughts on “Day 5 – Women’s Worlds”

  1. name is Alex..
    i would say that the girl dresting red is absolutely wonderful.
    may i know her name?
    greetings from italy.

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