Turkey Day

Kora tries on a fitted jacket

So Kora comes by this morning to surf the web and grab brunch and we swing by Just for You which has a long ass line and instead opt for Sally’s and chow down. Afterwards, we decided to go bowling but get sidetracked to check out a sample sale on my street.

Once we started bowling, I was doing miserably since I hadn’t gone bowling for so long. I think I left every frame open (not even a spare) until the 9th frame and then proceeded to convert what was, I think, my first ever turkey. The third frame of the 10th frame was for my fourth strike in a row (which I am not sure what that’s called), but alas, it was not to be.

my first turkey, accompanied by way too many gutter balls!

Finally we walked over to the MOMA where Kora gave me modern art lessons and we both lamented some of the postmodern art trends.