
So I was thwarted in my attempt to eat Chic-fil-A in Denver. I saw a sign on Sunday for a Chick-fil-A near my hotel and planned on eating there on Monday since they are closed on Sundays. I love Chick-fil-A and it’s my favorite fast food fried chicken (albeit not traditional fried chicken – that award goes to Popeye’s). So since I’ll be in Atlanta, I am looking forward to some Chick-fil-A and as I sit here on my flight into ATL with my stomach growling and about to descend, it’s the #1 thing on my mind. Sad in some ways, but the rest of this weekend will be a blur of work so I need to take this one minor pleasure. Not that I won’t enjoy covering the Show of Strength and catching up with a few friends…

Of course, this is what I ate instead.