A friend of mine asked me if I get depressed and I had to think since I couldn’t really remember a time when I was depressed. I almost felt guilty for a negative response to that question, but that’s where it netted out.

Then on NPR there was a commentary about how American kids are doing too many drugs. This was in reference to anti-depressants and the like. I identified with the woman, who said she prefers to stay away from taking drugs for medication, and there were some good insights on why that was happening. Seems too many parents like to take the easy way out and the lure of prescribing drugs instead of talking through and determining what the real root of the issue may be is all to prevalent in our society today. I see this all the time, and it’s not a good situation but if you look at the divorce rate, it’s no wonder more than half the kids out there are depressed when their own family situation is not optimal as a starting point.

Better get off the soapbox now though. I did manage to enjoy myself a bit this long weekend mixed in with work…

Mighty on Thanksgiving night well, the night before after midnight
I don’t feel depressed ever, but sometimes I do feel like her…