It’s true…

So there was a copy of Newsweek laying around the house here and they had their top ten movies of the year and I was surprised to see “Before Sunset” not b/c I didn’t think it was pretty interesting (since I like pretty much all Richard Linklater’s flicks), but b/c it wasn’t so Hollywood.

Anyhow one of the passages I most felt in touch with and that resonated was when Julie Delpy’s character talks about spending time in Russia and how peaceful and restful that was for the mind. With no advertisements jockeying for attention and all, it let the mind work more. I feel like that here in Auburn with the slower pace of the South. And there actually isn’t anything wrong with it except when I do feel like doing certain things and am limited. Of course I guess that just means I should do some more thinking, which I am expositing about right now… and that’s enough of that…