
Well, I dunno if it’s because Valentine’s Day is coming up or what, but this week has been an active one for chatting with my friends who are girls and all their relationship stuff. One of my friends is having drama issues with some of her other friends who won’t leave her be, but then those girls do seem to thrive on drama.

Last night this girl I think is pretty cool and very hot told me she had a crush on me for a while and I was kind of stunned that a) I never would have guessed it b/c I would have considered her in a different league, and b) she’s hot so I was astonished that she would be into me (OK so maybe those two reasons are actually the same one).

Anyhow, tonight it all culminated as I was covering the Olivia Cruises party at their new HQ. This little girl was approached by Mayor Newsom and she gave him a quizzical looked and asked him directly “who are you?” in a the way a smart kid would ask of a stranger who came up to talk to them. It was classic as he had to explain who he was to her…

and here’s her introducing him to her friends with glee, knowing he’s the Mayor and not just some weird guy in a suit.
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom

Oh yeah the last female situation was with a girl I went out with a few times and decided it was best not to continue any relationship with. I ran into her at the ballet opening and made a few bad decisions and now she’s getting in touch and I have to figure out the best way to tell her that I don’t really want to hang out, which is also the situation with a woman I hung out with over the weekend… ugh