All posts by genex


fernet brancaYeah all you need to know is if you have heard of Fernet then you’ve probably tried it.  Here in San Francisco we all seem to love it.  I can never seem to find it in many other cities and the last time I was in LA, the bartendress at Mr. T’s Bowl knew immediately of where I came from.

As she turned around to face me after hearing my order, the beautiful blonde with the silver pants said, “you must be from San Francisco!” in her charming Russian accent.

She was right of course.

So the first time I ever had Fernet was when I was shooting an event for Fernet who was promoting the drink at a bar in North Beach dispatching young lasses with low cut tops and tight pants to distribute it throughout the bar (this was Feb 2, 2004).  After my job was done, I decided to try it out since the women were very compelling and it was free.  Many, many shots later and the morning after, I wake up in a strange apartment near the Embarcadero.  It was then Friday morning so I looked around worriedly and found my camera bag with everything intact, but nobody around.  I looked at the pix on the camera and chimped away realizing I must have been pretty sloshed since I let some people use my camera to record evidence of the debauchery.

I didn’t see anyone or any photos in the apartment so I had no idea who lived there, but decided to just head home so left and did the walk of shame as many folks were on their way into work in the Financial District.

My friend Andrei sent me a cool link to an article from the SF Weekly on Fernet and San Francisco – check it out! (photo below of the part of that evening that I don’t recall…)
fernet evidence

My Sunday in Five photos…

newsweek teach for america article

Started off slow after a shoot with Cindy and then when my work was done, I biked over to Dolores Park where I caught up on some reading – this was a good article in Newsweek about Teach for America.

Later on a guy on a bike rode by in his Threadless T-shirt and Rickrolled the park – hilarious!

I was drinking some Lagunitas and noticed a bee which was nice since I keep hearing about the collapse of bees…

Of course during my time in the park, I couldn’t resist twittering and saw that a few friends were in the park too but it was so crowded it wasn’t worth trying to find anyone…


So afterwards I went over to Elbo Room for a drink and to use their bathroom which of course had no line!

elbo room racer 5

and finished up the day playing a few video games…


Steroid Nation review…

Steroid Nation

Well, a good friend of mine who I originally met through the bodybuilding and fitness scene sent me this book after he had read it.  I hadn’t heard of Steroid Nation before, but of course the subject matter is quite familiar having worked in the industry so long.  The first thing I was struck by was the whole back story on Dan Duchaine.  I had met Dan through a friend and former Ms. Olympia , Andrulla Blanchette, and we would see each other at shows.

In one of my earlier reports he let me use some of his commentary (1996 NPC Nationals).  It was also Dan who first exposed me to GHB and I didn’t realize how much he was responsible for that drugs popularity.  I knew he was the ‘guru’ but he never treated me in a way that made me feel like he was someone important and he did impart one piece of advice I later used.

Having been in prison, he said: “You find out who your real friends are when you go to prison.”   I later recalled that advice when Dave Palumbo had to serve time.  I sent a few photos and reports on contests happening to Dave and got some letters back.  It’s kind of neat to get mail from prison I guess?

Anyhow the book overall is a good recap of what affect steroids have had in our society and when you are close to so much of it, it’s even more interesting.  The book might go into more detail than someone outside the industry would care for, but when you are inside, it’s nice to see how others perceive things.  It’s a quick read too although it looks like it’s longer since the last 40 or so pages are source notes and such.