All posts by genex

Music: Amiina

I’ve been doing a good job of keepin my personal resolution to try and see more live music and enjoy more arts related experiences this year. Last night I went and checked out Amiina who had previously opened for Sigur Ros. The show was at the Swedish American Music Hall and was my first at that venue which is pretty neat (right above Cafe Du Nord).

Before we went to Lucky 13 for a few drinks and afterwards hit up The Page and then Molotovs before a preventative slice at Mythic Pizza…

Continue reading Music: Amiina

The Japanese Internment

I found out about this old Dr. Suess cartoon from World War II while reading a book about photographer Dorothea Lange and her work during the internment of Japanese Americans. I have always been fascinated by that part of American history being an Asian American of partial Japanese heritage. I was surprised though that even Dr. Suess was on the bandwagon of paranoia about the Japanese during that time. Ansel Adams and Lange also were at odds with Lange being one of the few on the side of the Japanese Americans and seeing the civil liberties of Americans being taken away. The book is called Impounded.

Fujiya & Miyagi

Fujiya and Miyagi - March 13, 2007 @ Mezzanine
Saw a great show last night at Mezzanine – Fujiya & Miyagi. Got hooked up with a photo pass and backstage access so it was pretty fun checking out the bands while they got ready and after their sets…

Collin Fischer

Collin Fischer
I had the fortune of running into Collin Fischer at the Arnold this year and we shot during the weekend. She had pretty much disappeared from the scene after she turned pro, but looks tremendous still. We’re looking to set up more time to do another shoot so I am definitely looking forward to that.

Driving across Florida

I was stuck on the I-4 Westbound today crawling at about 15 mph and looked up and saw this in the sky:
sky drawing

I’m not sure what it was for or if it had something to do with why the traffic was so ridiculously slow but I had to whip out my camera and grab a shot of it…

Midwestern Landscape

Illinois landscape
Driving through Illinois I recalled how flat the terrain in the Midwest is. Tonight I was driving by and saw all these lights and smoke coming off the smokestacks and decided to pull over and take a shot. It was freezing though and super windy so it was tough to get a nice clear shot – then an Illinois State Trooper pulled up to check after I took this so I couldn’t take any more shots after this one…

Virgin Eyes and the decisive moment

henry wessel
I listened to Henry Wessel speak about photography and composition. It was fascinating since it reaffirmed something that I’ve noticed on my own. One of his statements was: “Once you recognize something, you are less aware.”

He gave an example of how once you know that a telephone pole exisits, you don’t really see it in regular life. Most of us walk by telephone poles all the time, and don’t notice them at all. It also has something to do with the pure mind and what it perceives and that’s often evident in shots where I end up loving my first shot more than the subsequent ‘more composed’ images. It also reminds me of how babies have that certain look in their eyes when they look around.

Check out the full podcast here on the SFMOMA website or grab it here.

Live music week – Of Montreal

Of Montreal at the GAMH - 2/4/2007
So two nights ago I was cruising around SF taking a walk and saw that Of Montreal was playing at the GAMH. I thought it was just on Sat night so didn’t think much of it. My sister had put one of their songs on a mix a while back which I liked so I sent her a photo of that and then realized that they were playing on Sunday night so I decided to check them out.

Well, the show was much different than I thought since the rest of their music was definitely different in style from what I had expected. Oh well. I didn’t even stay the whole show and ended up cruising over to Route 101 to finally check that dive bar out. A random evening to say the least…

Continue reading Live music week – Of Montreal