All posts by genex

emotionally constipated

I heard this term while listening to an old “This American Life” and it totally connected with a feeling I sometimes get.

Later in the program, there’s a story about the worlds worst wedding toast and the conclusions there are exactly what I like about life. I’ve always said I enjoy the range of human emotion, and sometimes I want to fall in love and have my heart broken to feel that side of the range. I guess when my parents die, I will experience a similar depth of emotion so maybe I don’t need to fall in love.

Going Sideways

So my sister was visiting this last week and I took some time off to hang out with her. One of the days we went up to the wine country and I finally got to do that since I’ve only been up there working previously.

There was some trivia question about Coppola and the Tucker film/automobile and since my sister loves movies, that particular winery was of interest. I have to say though that the smaller independent vineyards were my faves. To prepare we also watched Sideways beforehand which was a pretty good flick.

Lisa and the Tucker

Emotional Spectrum

I’ve always enjoyed the range of human emotions so that’s the only way I could reconcile writing about adoption and Kung Fu Hustle in the same entry.

Anyhow, I just heard a story on NPR about adoption that was a really nice piece of journalism. You can check out the story details and listen to the extended version here. It’s a really touching story and it’s nice when you can get so much emotion from radio.

On the other hand, I saw Kung Fu Hustle which Anka had been raving about for a while. I hadn’t even realized it was a Stephen Chow film until it rolled across the screen. I would definitely say it’s a fun film enhanced by pre-baking.


On my flight up to Winnipeg, I finished reading Microserfs by Douglas Coupland and found so many things I could relate to as well as remarkable similarities to my own experiences during the rush and working at MCI to moving to San Francisco and even starting Orange.

I definitely would recommend the book to anyone who experienced that era or even has an interest as it’s definitely spot on in capturing the essence of that time.

Perhaps the weirdest tie-in was the storyline related to Dusty, the female bodybuilder who dates Todd. Strange that the worlds of geeks and muscle would overlap like my own has…