All posts by genex


Weird dreams –

Two nights ago or so – dreamt I measured in about 1″ to 1.5″ from the outer edge of The Last Mile book that my friends Natalie Zee and Jason Wolf wrote to cut out an area on the inside where I could stash stuff since essentially I know I won’t actually read the book and I will most likely keep it. So I remembered my friend Dan’s hollowed out Bible and thought to make that same thing outta that book. In my dream I can’t remember if I finished it but in real life I wanted to do it as well. Then I could say it was a dream come true.

The next night I dreamt somehow I was with Kim Nations and Brenda Smith and Aubrey. We were driving around a dirt area and there was this huge mound of dirt we were circling up. Somehow we couldn’t drive further so we were sorta running. Well Brenda was short of breath and suddenly collapsed and was hurting bad and had trouble breathing. Aubrey said she’d stay with her to watch her so Kim and I ran back down to the car and it took us forever to get it going for some reason. Finally we were driving and went back to some town area where it was sorta like an Inn/strip mallish area but that no one was at, right next to a freeway.

I can’t quite remember what happened next, but it was definitely a bizzaro dream.

Don’t they teach German girls about the Dasslers?

So often when I meet a German chick at some point in the coversation footwear may come up and since Pumas are definitely hot right now, the talk may involve them and/or Adidas. I had heard that the companies were founded by the Dassler brothers (Adi Dassler = adidas and his brother Rudolph who created Puma).

None of the girls I’ve asked have heard that and I would have thought that they’d teach stuff like that in German schools like they teach us about Henry Ford, Ray Croc and other famous entrepreneurs.

Well, I had to see if the story was true so I Googled it and found a pretty informative page that confirmed what I had suspected.


Well, I dunno if it’s because Valentine’s Day is coming up or what, but this week has been an active one for chatting with my friends who are girls and all their relationship stuff. One of my friends is having drama issues with some of her other friends who won’t leave her be, but then those girls do seem to thrive on drama.

Last night this girl I think is pretty cool and very hot told me she had a crush on me for a while and I was kind of stunned that a) I never would have guessed it b/c I would have considered her in a different league, and b) she’s hot so I was astonished that she would be into me (OK so maybe those two reasons are actually the same one).

Anyhow, tonight it all culminated as I was covering the Olivia Cruises party at their new HQ. This little girl was approached by Mayor Newsom and she gave him a quizzical looked and asked him directly “who are you?” in a the way a smart kid would ask of a stranger who came up to talk to them. It was classic as he had to explain who he was to her…

and here’s her introducing him to her friends with glee, knowing he’s the Mayor and not just some weird guy in a suit.
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom

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it’s cool when things are actually as simple as they are supposed to be…

A few nights ago it was so nice and clear out at night that I felt the urge to ride my bike up somewhere to get a few shots of San Francisco. At one particular vista looking over the city it just looked beautiful and I took a few photos across the sweeping view. I thought I’d see if I could put them together as a panoramic and checked out the Photoshop help and it was actually so easy and came out pretty nice

drugs are good

A nice piece in this Sunday’s New York Times Magazine about Alexander Shulgin. Seems like E has been on stasis and coke seems to be a lot more popular as a social drug at least here.

The article takes a nice look at what Shulgin’s been doing as well as trends with the DEA and FDA which thankfully are moving in somewhat positive directions.

mmm beer… and other ice cold things

I have a new favorite camera – the 1D MK II. I used it for the Google shoot in Tahoe and it rocks. The battery life is nice, but the image quality is dope! This weekend Bill Dobbins also showed up with all new Canon gear switching from Nikon with the whole nine yards including a 1Ds MK II, 20D for backup, and all th requisite lenses. Then I got my renewal for CPS too so a lot of Canon love this weekend.

My favorite thing was probably seeing Collette Flack hoisting up a keg for reps. I think at our Orange opening party we should invite her to do the same, and then tap it and enjoy the rest of the evening.

Collette Flack lifting a keg

and the token powder shot:

two years…

Today I shot my first local physique athlete of the year and had a pretty good time with it. She’s only been training two years, but has made a lot of progress as I got to see her before pix and it was a pretty impressive turnaround.

Gotta go through the shots now, but one of the first shots…

On Friday I rode past the Chronicle building down the street and all these cop cars and security were there as well as a crowd of people outside. Turns out it was Arnold meeting with the Chron.


Another interesting word. This one is Japanese and means roughly “death from overwork” – pretty much what too many Americans seem to be doing – chasing something – wanting too much, etc.

Of course when I am idle, my mind drifts hedonistically and if there are distractions present (and even when they are not) I will inevitably be drawn to them, sucked in by the potentialities and hopes, but as my own philosophy espouses, hope is one of humankind’s most powerful feelings alongside its complement, laziness… not sure what that says about me – oh well…


I dreamt that I saw a bunch of Auburn folks including Jay Stone who told me that his old girlfriend Rebecca Robertson was looking good and pretty buff. After my Garden State experience, I’ve been wondering a lot more about some of the old high school folks that I haven’t kept up with.

In one part of it I saw Karl Barnett eating at a place with his mom and dad. I walked up the ladder to the 2nd floor of this place and was perusing things in this weird shop and then Karl came up after finishing eating and he was looking at jog-dials that were stand alone like the ones on iPods but it was for a build your own CPU that Karl was looking to make at this Radio Shack type upstairs. That was about it for the Karl Barnett segment.