All posts by genex

Too much travel

Since there have been so many outta town gigs, I haven’t had a chance to enjoy SF life as much as I’d like, so weekdays are my weekends. A week ago I went to an awards party for the Bring on the Night photography contest that I was selected as a finalist for, which was sponsored by 7×7 Magazine.

Stacey, my model, and I

A previous Monday I went to a birthday party for one of Julie’s friend’s and scored my personal all time high score on Galaga and also figured out that the highest shield represents 30 levels (that yellow one with blue on it).
playing Galaga
Galaga high score

And finally last Thursday Eleven, Inc. hosted their Eleven Deadly Sins tour party which was pretty fun.
Traci, Julie and I

FAQ – aka how I got involved in the bodybuilding and fitness industry

People often ask how my involvement in the fitness and bodybuilding industry started since it’s pretty obvious from looking at me that I don’t live the lifestyle myself.

My first exposure to anything related was seeing the magazines on the newsstands and the first one I recall was Muscle & Fitness at a Kroger in West Lafayette, IN which had Boyer Coe on the cover. Since I’ve always liked super heroes this was the first time I saw actual humans who looked superhuman and was intrigued. I kind of forgot about things for a while and then in the 80s saw Women’s Physique World magazine which showcased female bodybuilders which I had never seen before. Throughout the 80s I followed the sport as I liked the look of the women, and in high school and college continued being a fan of womens sports. I tried to write a piece about steroids at Auburn University when I was writing for The Auburn Plainsman in the early 1990s but couldn’t get too many people to talk about it and that was the start of my journalistic career in the sport.

In college I attended my first contest and had friends involved in the sport. Supporting them, meeting the athletes and other fans was fun and since many of us were all over the place we often shared thoughts and ideas over online services like Prodigy at that time. As the internet evolved, I used to cruise the newsgroups since at that time the web sucked and only seemed to have research papers on it.

As the web evolved, I continued to post contest reports and photos online, and eventually had opportunities to create a site to host the archives. Since then, my personal web page was migrated and evolved into it’s current manifestation of ‘genex magazine’ which is run by James Cook of FTV. I’ve also done numerous freelance work for Ironman, MuscleMag International, Oxygen and various other publications.

Can they do it?

So I am not a Yankees fan and was glad to see the Red Sox come back to beat them, and while I may be a National League fan in general (the Giants being my favorite of course), I have to pull for the BoSox out of sentimentality and knowing that it’ll make the Yankees pain increase.

Of course pain reminds me of creative inspiration after talking to Bim today about the book he was reading. I still have this twisted desire to have my heart broken to gain the rush of emotions necessary for more emotive creativity. Of course by virtue of wanting it, I am already lost… oh well…

Marc Broussard can feel the Yankees' pain

Am I an American Elf?

I walked into a comic shop on my way back from a shoot and picked up an issue of Flaming Carrott and also James Kochalka’s American Elf. I liked that the book was a journal of five years of daily cartoons that he drew kind of like the 31 project I did a while back. Knowing how painful that kind of project could be, I picked it up with interest and liked some of the strips I read.

Here’s one that I can totally identify with that seems to sum up my life in certain ways…

James Kochalka strip

Castles, Caves and art

Got invited to a party for Big Magazine on Saturday night that was at the Albion Castle in the Bayview District which makes for an enjoyable Muni ride. Once I got there the place was totally fresh and really amazing. Two underground caves with fresh spring water flowing, about three different levels, and a solid vibe and cool photography. A pleasant surprise for sure…


Melissa Detwiller
At every show I go to I like to find new talent to showcase and at the GNC Show of Strength, finally met up with someone I had been talking to for a while who I had a chance to shoot with and also try some new stuff with.

Also tried to introduce her to as many people as possible to help promote her but you can probably see that she’s already got what it takes. Working with women like Melissa is always a pleasure and makes the long contest weekends even more memorable.


So I was thwarted in my attempt to eat Chic-fil-A in Denver. I saw a sign on Sunday for a Chick-fil-A near my hotel and planned on eating there on Monday since they are closed on Sundays. I love Chick-fil-A and it’s my favorite fast food fried chicken (albeit not traditional fried chicken – that award goes to Popeye’s). So since I’ll be in Atlanta, I am looking forward to some Chick-fil-A and as I sit here on my flight into ATL with my stomach growling and about to descend, it’s the #1 thing on my mind. Sad in some ways, but the rest of this weekend will be a blur of work so I need to take this one minor pleasure. Not that I won’t enjoy covering the Show of Strength and catching up with a few friends…

Of course, this is what I ate instead.