All posts by genex

Juxtapozed Living

Salsa dancing

Finished watching 24 Hour Party People with Kora which was a flick on my old ‘to see’ list that fell off it more for the reason that I don’t keep it on paper anymore than any other reason.

Having visited Manchester just to experience it, it was nice to get a little backstory on Factory Records, the Hacienda, etc.

Made me think about the juxtapozed lifestyle I lead being in one city then another and as in the case of this week for myself, three in three different time zones. Within less than a 12-hour period in Denver, I experienced photographing…

Carla Sanchez, Christine Pomponio-Pate and Jacqui Blazier

Words, commas and politics

Well, spent a long weekend in LA, at least it felt longer than it was. I have not been home for a weekend in too long, and I do miss SF. Luckily I am at LAX now on my way home finally. Since I had some extra time, I was reading through the Sunday LA Times and in the Book Review, saw a review for “The Future Dictionary of America” (McSweeney’s Books, 2004) which piqued my interest since I like words and such.

Two words they highlighted I particularly liked. Spunctual which means what it sounds like it should mean (“excited, on time, and excited to be on time”), and puritangential (“a form of argument used to obfuscate an important issue by diverting attention to an irrelevant one”). Art Speigelman (of Maus fame) coined the second one, and there are segments by Diane Ackerman and Kurt Vonnegut in the book as well, so I think I may add that to my wish list.

I also need to look up the word egaltarian which I’ve been meaning to look up since I see it all the time although I suspect it means something along the lines of something with a focus towards sociopolitical betterment/ideals.

Day 5 – Women’s Worlds

Johanna Dejager

Waking up to a hangover never is fun, but at least this time it was for a good reason. It has been clear and sunny everyday until today and it’s overcast. Luckily that’s actually good for shooting so I had four shoots that I fit in. First up was Slovakian Aurelia Grazjnova who took second in the heavyweights and was a very pleasant woman, although I couldn’t really talk to her, but had to go through her translator. Next up was Kiwi Joanna Stewart. I have to say that everyone I met from New Zealand was so pleasant and everyone I’ve ever met from there is so nice. At 43, Joanna still looks amazing and said she’ll most likely be back for the 2005 edition. Finally Monica Hoeyer, Pia Johnsen’s friend was the final photoshoot. She had injured her foot at an earlier shoot and was hobbled by that, but was a trooper to shoot still.

After dinner at the hotel, I went by the Caprici Verd and ran into John again (who incidentally was reading Haruki Murakami’s Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World) and we were chatting when Joanne and Mark Stewart from New Zealand walked by and invited us to dinner and we accepted. Several hours and enjoyable conversation later, we headed back to the hotel to crash out.

Day 4 – Party Time

Liudmilla Tsubolczeva

The Finals began with a parade of athletes that was really neat. Seeing the delegates and an athlete representative with their flag was inspiring, especially for those smaller countries and ones that are further away from Spain. Once the welcome ceremonies finished, it was time for the competition and it was another long day and like many other shows in the sport, it wasn’t without a bit of controversy in the final results. Of course this being bodybuilding and fitness/figure, that is pretty much par for the course.

When the finals ended, it left a few hours before people would be getting ready for the banquet and party. It’s a nice touch to have an official party that is for everyone since in many of the shows in the states I’ve been to, the parties are separate entities and not part of the official festivities for the competition. The athletes looked amazing and would have been the perfect advertisement for why everyone should appreciate them. While people mingled for the first half and enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, everyone drank and relaxed until the disco portion opened up and I have to say that the Czech Republic ladies definitely were having fun on the dance floor including Eva Supkova who was getting down! Johanna Dajeager pulled me out on the dance floor and we grooved for a bit. By the end of the night, everyone was sweating and ready to get on the buses back to the hotels to crash out…

Day 3 – Women’s Worlds

parade of bodybuilders, fitness and bodyfitness

Little did I know as I sat down to breakfast with John Plummer of Weider Europe that Saturday would be so long. They call pre-judging semi-finals at the Worlds, and with ten different classes of athletes, there was a lot on deck. Things started out with fitness two-pieces and then the routines. Afterwards were the female bodybuilders and then mens fitness followed by body fitness (figure). The day was grueling as the arena did not have air circulation and since smoking is allowed indoors and virtually all the fans and athletes smoke, the air was moist and stuffy inside.

That didn’t deter the athletes though as the show was quite impressive if not for the length of it all.

Since prejuding ran from 09:30 until past 19:30 the sun was down and there was no opportunity to shoot with athletes. However, because the elimination rounds were concluded, many of the athletes were starting to enjoy themselves. The lobby of the Caprici Verd was full of delegates, judges, journalists and competitors, and everyone was drinking, smoking or socializing, which was nice. The language barrier is still there although most of the Western Europeans could speak English which was the common language. Everything shut down around 01:00 and it drew close a long day, but the finals were still ahead.

Day 2 – Women’s Worlds

Santa Susanna

10:30 a.m. – Today I checked into my official room at the Maritim next door to the host hotel, Caprici Verd. It’s one of the overflow hotels, and I saw that the Dutch contingent will also be at my hotel as well as India (I think, although I can’t quite understand what the Catalan word was).

Picked up the media kit and am all set. Today will consist of scouting more locations around here to shoot as well as lining whatever up that I can.

After a slow afternoon where all the teams were checking in, the weigh-ins were upon us and it was the first time that everyone came together. It was more than impressive seeing athletes from Iceland, Norway, Lithuania, Poland, South Africa, Japan, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Russia, Brazil and Mexico, just to name a few. There were nine classes for the women and a total of almost 200 athletes total.

After the height check and weigh ins most of the athletes retired for the evening to prepare for the show. This being Europe, one thing you saw a lot of was smoking and everyone was reluctant to let me photograph them while they were enjoying a smoke. Also chatted a bit with John from Flex Europe and Johanna Dejager from Canada who was enjoying some wine and cheese which was her form of contest prep. Johanna looked amazing at weigh-ins and will be competing in the middleweight class, which looks very, very deep.

I also chatted with Jo Stewart from New Zealand and set up a shoot. The New Zealanders, Australians, South Africans all were incredibly nice and I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone from any of those coutries who wasn’t pleasant.

Continue reading Day 2 – Women’s Worlds

Arrival – Women’s Worlds

view from the Maritim

Arrived in Barcelona after a long transatlantic flight that included a transamerican leg. After hopping off the plane we take the train to Barcelona and hop in a cab down the coast to our hotel in Santa Susanna after a few directional misadventures since we don’t have the exact address, and our cabbie has never been there.

Settle in and eat a nice lunch which consisted mostly of paella for myself and then kick it at the hotel and chat with delegates from the Czech Republic and Russia as well as Pia Marlen from Norway and her friend Monica. Pia is competing this weekend and Monica is there for support and will be competing next week in the nationals in Norway.

One thing they have here is that when you check into a hotel, your room key also controls the power in your room so you have to insert your key in the wall or else you won’t have power – same goes for using the bathrooms, etc. Clever for the hotel to control electricity costs and access, but it sucks if you want to charge stuff in your room while you are out. Meals are included with room rates which I can’t decide if that’s good or not yet. Of course here there are barely any other options on where to eat, so I’ll say it’s a good thing so far…

Sunset on the Mediterranean coast is warm and the temperature is perfect, a nice warmup to an exciting weekend.

Alien life and time travel

Raelians at the 9/11 show at GG Park

So seeing the Raelians demonstrating this past Saturday in Golden Gate Park tied in well with my night out with Kara where we went to see Donnie Darko, the Director’s Cut.

I had so many friends suggesting that I see that flick and I am glad that I did. I just went through the website on a work break and it’s pretty neat. I will have to revisit that smurf philosophy section on the DVD version. I’m hoping a lot more people will see the film now that it’s in theaters again. I am interested in seeing the original version too since I suspect it’s also quite good and the Echo and the Bunnymen vs. INXS I’d like to decide for myself…

Turkey Day

Kora tries on a fitted jacket

So Kora comes by this morning to surf the web and grab brunch and we swing by Just for You which has a long ass line and instead opt for Sally’s and chow down. Afterwards, we decided to go bowling but get sidetracked to check out a sample sale on my street.

Once we started bowling, I was doing miserably since I hadn’t gone bowling for so long. I think I left every frame open (not even a spare) until the 9th frame and then proceeded to convert what was, I think, my first ever turkey. The third frame of the 10th frame was for my fourth strike in a row (which I am not sure what that’s called), but alas, it was not to be.

my first turkey, accompanied by way too many gutter balls!

Finally we walked over to the MOMA where Kora gave me modern art lessons and we both lamented some of the postmodern art trends.