All posts by genex

Live music

I love live music, but don’t see enough of it in DJ-riddled SF. However last night my friend Julie and I saw a band called the Invisibles and Mixed Signals at the Rickshaw Stop and they were pretty fresh. Even got some German lyrics in there of which I only understood “du bist…”

Oh well, so much for High School German class with the Frau!

SoCal living…

Brenda Smith lounges in the pool
A quick trip down to Southern California and the differences are so obvious. My first stop was Palm Springs and it was pretty much how I might have imagined it there in the desert. Brenda and Hyacinth lounged by the pool in the afternoon heat – a regular occurance…
Hiyacynth the artist

Toys of the rich and famous became our photoshoot props. I also used real guns, swords, Harley-Davidsons and more. Stuff is so prevalent in SoCal – such a symbol for status.
Ferrari Challenge Stradale - toys of the rich and props to the photogs
However, my most enlightening experience was probably meeting Rick Valente who was/is on Bodyshaping on ESPN for the last 20-years. A former bodybuilder who turned into minor celebrity, I had some thoughts on what he might be like before meeting, and was more than pleasantly surprised that he was incredibly grounded and had a very solid outlook on living in the present moment and shared similar philosophies on life – who would have thought!

Can’t escape the past…

So I go to Edmonton, Canada and on my trip I run into two old CKSers in one form or another. First as I am off to the Fairmont for a shoot with Debbie Leung, I come across a statue of Robert Burns. I didn’t know he had such a rich history.

Then while I am awaiting my delayed flight back to SFO from SEA, I hear an announcement from the next gate for Austin Hurwitz. I peer over and see him there and stop him after he leaves the counter to catch up. Turns out he’s down in SoCal and also stays in touch with Marcy Boltz-Walker who apparently is taking a go at the acting world.

mmm, vodka

Shot an event for Ciroc tonight and it wouldn’t have been a party until something broke…

August 30 – Joseph Goldstein
“Listening itself is an art. When we listen with a still and concentrated mind, it’s possible to actually be responsive to what the words are saying. Sometimes deep insights come in a flash, unexpectedly.”

Bespin Cloud City

On my way out of SFO heading to DFW the fog was perfectly rolling in so that it reminded me of Bespin from Empire Strikes Back. I heard at some point that George Lucas was inspired by San Francisco for Bespin, but just took that as urban legend. The cranes in Oakland definitely look like the original Death Star which I believed but now I do believe that SF might have been an inspiration for Bespin. Go Lando Go!

dreams 2

was checking the NY Times Magazine and they had an article on lucid dreaming (link). It’s something I have an interest in so I figured I’d check it out finally tonight and have decided to try and have a lucid dream tonight.

Since I finally remembered a dream for the first time in a while, I figure I am primed. I tried to get some inspiration from the pix I took tonight and this one was my second choice…


Library dream – not sure why I was there, but somehow was there overnight and stayed up around the fourth floor. Went to use the bathroom but there was only a women’s bathroom on the 4th floor so I went down stairs to the 1st floor – somehow the mayor’s office is also on the 1st floor of the library. Didn’t see a men’s bathroom but saw another guy sleeping in the auditorium so I went back up to the 4th floor and suddenly there were a bunch of people there. I talked to them and that was that.

Stan’s wedding dream – we were gettting lined up for the wedding and somehow there is confusion about where to line up etc. I only had my undershirt on for some reason and nobody seemed to notice. Stan kept asking me for thoughts on how to arrange people and he didn’t want people to be so far away from where the audience was gathered. There were no chairs like there were in the real wedding so we made a big line/tunnel where Denise came down in between us and walked up to the ‘altar’ to get married. There were lots of inconsistencies now that I think back to it but that’s all I remember