All posts by genex


I like that term, Person’s of Mass Destructions, aka suicide bombers. I just read Thomas Friedman’s column which I like to keep up with for world affairs, and there was one passage in particular that caught my eye:

“They are mainly imported cookie-cutter killers, created by a combination of Arab mass media, certain extremist elements in Muslim culture, and some very shrewd recruiting by Al Qaeda and its ilk. When young, angry, futureless, sexually repressed people are taught that death is a permanent vacation of guilt-free pleasure, and they see it glorified in countless videos, all you need is a willing truck driver to ferry them over the border from Syria, Jordan, Turkey or Saudi Arabia and presto

Bay to Breakers 2004

So I finally woke up early enough to grab drinks with Larry and his cabbie buddies after they got off work at 6:00 am. Since this weekend was Bay to Breakers, it made for perfect timing.

We met at Rich’s Club 93 on 93 Ninth Street just around the corner from the pad, so that was quite convenient.

Rich, the proprietor or Rich's
Rich, the proprietor or Rich’s Club 93

Pool was the game of the day

Late Night Larry
Late Night Larry

Bay to Breakers

Frank Chu, the perfect end to the race…

Theory of Specialized SuperPowers and Super Size Me

So while watching the “Big Mac Man” aka Don Gorske it really seemed like his super power was the ability to eat Big Mac as often as he does while avoiding most of the adverse health effects such a diet would have on most mortals.

This is great evidence of the Theory of Specialized SuperPowers. The theory is a bit long, but one principle of it is that once a superpower is taken, it generally can’t be taken again. So since the good ones like flying were taken early, we don’t have a lot of good ones left. But with humans being the creative people that we are, we figure out more specialized powers to have and cultivate those as Mr Gorske has. Of course his power wouldn’t have been conceived until the creation of the Big Mac so ripoff artists may take a variation on a theme and have a superpower like “ability to eat unlimited In-n-Out Double Doubles Animal Style with no pickles with no adverse health effects.”

I did note the In-n-Out sticker in the directors office and saw that he later admitted that while not eating McDs anymore, he will indulge in the best the fast food world has to offer, In-n-Out….

My favorite shot from the Rebuilding Together Ball on Saturday night…

Continue reading Theory of Specialized SuperPowers and Super Size Me

Farenheit 9/11

Glad to see that Disney is blatantly showing why they want to block Michael Moore’s new movie since they would lose out on tax breaks from Florida Gov and brother of our prez Jeb Bush – wow, imagine that. Check out the full story here.

And more Bush fun…
“In an exclusive interview, Viggo Mortensen, who plays Aragorn in “The Lord of the Rings”; talks about his photography, his indie publishing house, and why Bush will go down in history as the Sauron of American presidents.”

What a great subhead! Here’s the article.

Clue: Prison Island, Not Alcatraz

My friend works on a prison island up in Washington state and I got to kick it with him one night after covering the 2004 Emerald Cup. It is called McNeill Island and it was totally amazing. Lush greenery (standard I guess for the Pac NW), lots of wildlife, a great shoreline on Puget Sound, and amazing views of three different mountain/ranges.

typical view of Ranier from the Island

i have a personal fascination with light streaming into dark barns or old decrepit buildings like this one… should have spent more time though making a good shot

most of the headstones just had #s on them. Luckily, this guy had a sense of humor

a cool installation art piece made by the inmates

yes, there actually is such a thing as quicksand and it’s out here. My friends told me one inmate fell in and it took like five people to get him out of it… doh!

Bokeh and such

I was just reading about bokeh which is an effect I’ve always liked, and while I was away in Niagara Falls, I tried playing around with some effects. Not quite the way I wanted, but a few shots…

This one is just some butterflies mating

Shaolin Soccer

Saw this last night and it’s pretty funny – of course it melds my favorite sport (soccer) with martial arts, camp, special effects, and it’s all quite playful. It’s basically a good vs. evil Hong Kong Kung Fu flick meets the Matrix with a lot of Bruce Lee references as well. The film compliments herbal intake as well. Just wish there were better previews although a film called Robot Stories that looked pretty interesting. Seems like robots are the hot thing with I Robot coming out at some point this year as well.

I am glad that science fiction is getting more interesting stories made into film. A friend of mine gave me a Phillip K Dick compilation and I just finished reading it. I think I may have to get some more of him since I will be on the road a bit and travel time seems the best for reading. I’m in the midst of Jihad vs. McWorld by Benjamin Barber which is a really good read too, although he’s a bit academic in the way he writes.

TV exposure

First we find that someone has blatantly ripped off our website for some company in St. Louis so I guess it’s time for our first litigation. Add to that the debut of the Orange Exposure team on The Learning Channel – hopefully they’ll be showing some of the office scenes when the episode of A Dating Story that I’m on airs in a couple weeks. If you want to check it out, I’m on the April 16th episode (coincidentally, my birthday) . If you want to know when it’ll be on exactly and read a synopsis, go here.

As for what happened with Candace and me? stay tuned…