All posts by genex

No wonder everyone likes Aragorn

Viggo Mortensen says in an interview about the LOTR films: “The more I explored Tolkien, the more I felt I had two bosses: Tolkien and Peter Jackson. I tried my best to be loyal to both of them.”

And on the topic of film, I found this site that has some interesting thoughts, one of which I especially liked was the Fight Club = Calvin and Hobbes post.


Ever since I was a little kid I remember enjoying flying. I don’t know if it was the fact that I was doing something that seemed extraordinary or if it was the destination or just the view out the windows.

My first flight was from Chicago O’Hare (ORD) to Anchorage, Alaska (ANC) to Tokyo Narita (NRT). I always loved the three letter abbreviations and back then, the sticker covered hard-covered suitcases that always seemed to exotic on the luggage turnstiles…

I also love people watching and wondering where everyone is going, just enjoying the tension in the air. I think I am going to try and photograph people in flight this year, although with all this terrorism bullshit it might be a bit hard, but we’ll see…

I want to find out where interesting people are going, why they are leaving where they were, and who they are (insomuch as you can with a stranger). Hopefully it’ll be as fun and interesting as I think it will be although having that expectation has already jinxed it a bit I guess – doh!

What matters

There was this story about this homeless guy who’s almost a millionaire that was in the Chronicle today. I like the fact that he doesn’t give a shit about money and stuff. Of course being an alcoholic isn’t the coolest thing.

I also saw Monster last night, and first off Charlize Theron is great. I kept trying to visualize the Hollywood version of her during the film but couldn’t. Anyhow the thing I got outta that movie is the same thing – what really matters? If your mind is a bit off-kilter, then what you believe matters may still be grounded in the same thing as what is important to others, but twisted in it’s ‘implementation’

So essentially if love is so important it is just like religion and other things where ultimately people kill each other in the name of it, and justify just about anything, because if something is the most important thing, then that in itself justifies the means…

On a lighter note, on New Years, I didn’t feel much love in the air, but a lot of alochol breath and general lighthearted joy. Only got two pix that I really liked…

Alabama excitement

Usually going home is not the most exciting thing just b/c there isn’t a whole lot to do in Auburn, but this time, I’m a bit more excited, b/c I’ve decided I am going to find out how my parents met and came to America.

I’m also going to get to hang out with my sister a bit and see Return of the King again so those three things, plus eating some good fried food make me excited to go back to Alabama.

Being in NYC twice in about as many weeks sort of has made me appreciate how going slower and being able to enjoy the pace of life, whatever it may present itself as, is the way to really enjoy life. The context is not everything, and finding enjoyment and maximizing life even when the going is slower is something I’m going to treasure before 2004 kicks in and the orange train picks up even more steam…

Vote for us!!!!

I’m pimping us out to hit you up for some help for our photography collective.

We won a Webby award where we beat out BMW Mini USA and Wisk detergent and are trying to maintain some of that momentum and are entering the Fast Company Fast 50 competition. If we get selected we’d be in their
print mag in a future edition.

You can check out our entry here.

If you can post a few comments and rate our entry that would be awesome
as the deadline is Dec. 1st for entries and comments.

Fucking Politics

I get so sick of all the terrible things that happen just because of politics. Some are people with money using that to get their way. Some is people that are too lazy to do real work getting their way, and others are just liars that will resort to anything to save their own asses.

With our local mayoral election coming up there’s quite a bit of mud slinging going on and seeing this sort of thing inspires me to vote against it. These sort of things are also the types of things I think that we are trying to change in our little way with the way we do business and how we are creating orange…

I heard Gary Hirshberg, the CEO of of Stonyfield Farms talk about socially reponsible businesses of which his is, and it was heartening to hear how you can stay true to your values and still be successful even in the realm of big business. It’s another obstacle that I would love to overcome, as I’ve always taken pleasure in doing things that either you aren’t supposed to do, or that are outside the norms. Hopefully though socially responsible business will become the norm, but in certain industries there is too much greed and power at play (oil anyone?).

So off the soapbox I go but then that’s what a blog is all about eh?

Enjoy your Turkey or vegetarian alternatives!

Viajay spins at a benefit for the Hunter’s Point Food Bank and Summer Camp programs in Hunter’s Point

Iron Bowl

Ah yes, it was appropriate that I make a trip on BART to the suburbs to catch the Iron Bowl this past Saturday day. It was also the day of the Big Game (Cal vs. Stanford) but since I hadn’t seen a whole Auburn game on TV or in person in a while, I knew I had to make it to catch the game.

Getting off at the station, you have to walk through this huge ass strip mall/mall parking lot, and you realize how car centric everything is out there. There aren’t even really paths to walk through the lot!

Well, at least Auburn won. I’ve been feeling a bit worn out today though. I think I need to chill out a bit which I will be doing with Thanksgiving coming up…