I’ve been watching and downloading Discovery Channel podcasts and while in general I don’t like ads, I gotta say the Nature of Power podcasts that Discovery & Acura have created are pretty cool. The base jumper guy in particular is pretty sweet -check it out. (Since I’m flying now it only seemed appropriate.)
Category Archives: Reviews (music, film, more…)
Your Tax Dollars at Work
Haruki Murakami speaking at Cal!
So excited to find out that my favorite author, Haruki Murakami will be making a rare appearace at Cal next month! Just bought tickets and am really looking forward to this!
Steroid Nation review…
Well, a good friend of mine who I originally met through the bodybuilding and fitness scene sent me this book after he had read it. I hadn’t heard of Steroid Nation before, but of course the subject matter is quite familiar having worked in the industry so long. The first thing I was struck by was the whole back story on Dan Duchaine. I had met Dan through a friend and former Ms. Olympia , Andrulla Blanchette, and we would see each other at shows.
In one of my earlier reports he let me use some of his commentary (1996 NPC Nationals). It was also Dan who first exposed me to GHB and I didn’t realize how much he was responsible for that drugs popularity. I knew he was the ‘guru’ but he never treated me in a way that made me feel like he was someone important and he did impart one piece of advice I later used.
Having been in prison, he said: “You find out who your real friends are when you go to prison.” I later recalled that advice when Dave Palumbo had to serve time. I sent a few photos and reports on contests happening to Dave and got some letters back. It’s kind of neat to get mail from prison I guess?
Anyhow the book overall is a good recap of what affect steroids have had in our society and when you are close to so much of it, it’s even more interesting. The book might go into more detail than someone outside the industry would care for, but when you are inside, it’s nice to see how others perceive things. It’s a quick read too although it looks like it’s longer since the last 40 or so pages are source notes and such.
cool t-shirts
So I went to the Renegade Craft Fair at Fort Mason this past weekend and there were a lot of cool independent businesses there. Some of my faves were Willotoons where I bought a gift for a friend, I Heart Guts, Campfire and Seibei.
A cool Campfire shirt:
Louise Bourgeois in Newsweek
I really liked her piece that I saw on the Embarcadero and in last week’s Newsweek magazine they did a whole piece on her which was pretty fascinating. Check it out to read about a true artist – something I should strive more to be (although in the words of Yoda, “there is not try, there is only do“)
Quotes from “Bonk”
While on vacation in Costa Rica, I picked up Bonk at SFO to read since I forgot to pack a book of my own selection. There are a few pretty funny lines in the book that made me laugh so I thought I’d transcribe a few of them:
page 241 – related to loss of time:
“Orgams appears to be a state not unlike that of the alien abductees one always hears about, coming to with messy hair and a chunk of time unaccounted for.”
page 252 – a pretty solid description of men’s behaviour:
“I give you a sentence, my favorite sentence in the entire oeuvre of Alfred Kinsey, from Sexual Behavior in the Human Female: ‘Cheese crumbs spread in front of a copulating pair of rats may distract the female, but not the male.'”
You can check out my other book reviews on the site GoodReads.com – here’s my profile page.
If you would like to check out my reviews of where we stayed and what we did in Costa Rica, check out my TripAdvisor page.
Virgin America
I really like the animation and production of the Virgin America safety announcement – just flew them for the first time this weekend and really like they way they do things:
This was definitely a good brand experience and I think they’ll be popular if they can keep delivering…
Playa del Carmen wrap…
Well, I forced myself to only carry my point-and-shoot camera when I was in Playa del Carmen except when I was actually working of course and so I didn’t take too many shots, but here’s a quick little recap. You can find more if you look at my posts on TripAdvisor too.
So the requisite first shot – and of course it’s lovers in the water – blech!
– I was amped to go see some Lucha Libres battle it out but got sidetracked at Kool (below) hanging out with our crew who eventually shut the place down…
Playa del Carmen | Tripadvisor
So just added a review of the wonderful place I’m staying in Playa del Carmen, the Luna Blue Hotel and Garden but only took pix with my point-and-shoot right now so I will have to take some shots after the wedding since I’m conserving the batteries (yes I didn’t bring both chargers!)