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Don’t they teach German girls about the Dasslers?

So often when I meet a German chick at some point in the coversation footwear may come up and since Pumas are definitely hot right now, the talk may involve them and/or Adidas. I had heard that the companies were founded by the Dassler brothers (Adi Dassler = adidas and his brother Rudolph who created Puma).

None of the girls I’ve asked have heard that and I would have thought that they’d teach stuff like that in German schools like they teach us about Henry Ford, Ray Croc and other famous entrepreneurs.

Well, I had to see if the story was true so I Googled it and found a pretty informative page that confirmed what I had suspected.

drugs are good

A nice piece in this Sunday’s New York Times Magazine about Alexander Shulgin. Seems like E has been on stasis and coke seems to be a lot more popular as a social drug at least here.

The article takes a nice look at what Shulgin’s been doing as well as trends with the DEA and FDA which thankfully are moving in somewhat positive directions.


Another interesting word. This one is Japanese and means roughly “death from overwork” – pretty much what too many Americans seem to be doing – chasing something – wanting too much, etc.

Of course when I am idle, my mind drifts hedonistically and if there are distractions present (and even when they are not) I will inevitably be drawn to them, sucked in by the potentialities and hopes, but as my own philosophy espouses, hope is one of humankind’s most powerful feelings alongside its complement, laziness… not sure what that says about me – oh well…


I dreamt that I saw a bunch of Auburn folks including Jay Stone who told me that his old girlfriend Rebecca Robertson was looking good and pretty buff. After my Garden State experience, I’ve been wondering a lot more about some of the old high school folks that I haven’t kept up with.

In one part of it I saw Karl Barnett eating at a place with his mom and dad. I walked up the ladder to the 2nd floor of this place and was perusing things in this weird shop and then Karl came up after finishing eating and he was looking at jog-dials that were stand alone like the ones on iPods but it was for a build your own CPU that Karl was looking to make at this Radio Shack type upstairs. That was about it for the Karl Barnett segment.

It’s true…

So there was a copy of Newsweek laying around the house here and they had their top ten movies of the year and I was surprised to see “Before Sunset” not b/c I didn’t think it was pretty interesting (since I like pretty much all Richard Linklater’s flicks), but b/c it wasn’t so Hollywood.

Anyhow one of the passages I most felt in touch with and that resonated was when Julie Delpy’s character talks about spending time in Russia and how peaceful and restful that was for the mind. With no advertisements jockeying for attention and all, it let the mind work more. I feel like that here in Auburn with the slower pace of the South. And there actually isn’t anything wrong with it except when I do feel like doing certain things and am limited. Of course I guess that just means I should do some more thinking, which I am expositing about right now… and that’s enough of that…

Thomas Friedman gets it…

I’ve been geeking out in my reading choices lately having finally read Stephen Hawking and enjoying the nerdiness of it. And then today in the Sunday New York Times, Thomas Friedman’s commentary was spot on. I really wish we’d use technology to find better solutions to energy and fossil fuel consumption and his ideas are pretty straightforward and something I wish that America would do.


So I was thwarted in my attempt to eat Chic-fil-A in Denver. I saw a sign on Sunday for a Chick-fil-A near my hotel and planned on eating there on Monday since they are closed on Sundays. I love Chick-fil-A and it’s my favorite fast food fried chicken (albeit not traditional fried chicken – that award goes to Popeye’s). So since I’ll be in Atlanta, I am looking forward to some Chick-fil-A and as I sit here on my flight into ATL with my stomach growling and about to descend, it’s the #1 thing on my mind. Sad in some ways, but the rest of this weekend will be a blur of work so I need to take this one minor pleasure. Not that I won’t enjoy covering the Show of Strength and catching up with a few friends…

Of course, this is what I ate instead.