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god damn it’s been crazy! our show was last night, and while from a revenue perspective for our curator, I think it may have been a bust, it was a total success from our perspective of putting together a show that we were proud of, and doing it in less than two months. Of course all the marketing and publicity in addition to the experience was invaluable and perhaps my favorite thing was Orange coming together to pull it off.

I really wish Traci could have been there as we could not have done it without her. I wasn’t feeling too hot, and wish I was feeling better so that I could have made it through the whole night, but I think all the liquor, pot, and lack of food caught up to me… doh!

Getting over the show hump was a relief… there was so much we had to do, and even though there is a ton more we have to do for the biz, it doesn’t feel so much like we’re overburdened.

Tonight feels like the first night I can relax, and luckily my friend Sofia came over and cut my hair which was kinda fun….

So what’s the point here? It’s just that I actually have time to sit down and think about stuff, which is nice… I may even try to finish reading the Lifeof Pi (if that’s the right name of it)…

100% perfect girl…

I don’t like the word perfect, since it’s a state that seems a bit unrealistic in many forms… regardless, I had a conversation with my friend over dinner about dating, etc.

She suggested I check out a book “If the Buddha Dated” and we also talked about how relationships develop and grow and what it is about a partner that makes them ideal.

One thing I think I am going to do is figure out what traits I like in a person – what is most important to me, b/c now that I started thinking about it there are some things that are obvious but many more that I should probably think about in more detail.

Sounds like a fun exercise to me…

Continue reading 100% perfect girl…

deja vu

so last night I totally had a type of deja vu.

I was shooting pix for the Kraft Kuts party at the Capella and at one point totally remembered being in the same situation. These things happen to me all the time. I guess there’s a lot of glitches in the Matrix but I need to figure out a way to post them before they happen so I can verify that I have actually experienced the deja vu before.


I think everyone my age knows who Greedo is, and he was one of my favorite characters who lived a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

While doing some QA on our new functionality I had to think of somewhat clever things to post to our development server and in one scenario, I was wondering if Greedo had made it to the wedding since I hadn’t seen him in any of the pix.

So of course I google greedo, and this page I found is fascinating…

I think my favorite thing is just to jack up the volume and hit reload to hear him speak… ah Greedo!


Every once in a while I come across words that on an aesthetic or phoenitic level, are attractive. Sometimes, I don’t even know what they mean, and once I look them up they are either more or less interesting.

Schadenfreude was one of the last ones, but kanashibari is my new favorite. I almost want to experience it so I can have a real reason to use it, but for now, I’m content not to have. Here’s a bit more info on kanashibari.


Being slammed is thrilling in a way. I guess maybe I am addicted the rush of being shot down. Last night I was pretty vanquished pretty hard core…

I just went up to a girl and asked her how she was doing, and she replied “are you actually asking me that?” or something to that effect.

I should have been shocked into stammering silence, but instead, I calmly replied “yes” and smiled back at her to which she merely turned away and that was the end of that.

Kinda reminded me of this interesting little animation that I saw at an animation festival before.