Category Archives: Uncategorized

new words

I thought that I had orginated the term MILF when I was a kid in Indiana, but apparently it had a spontaneous birth in many places. However, I’d like to introduce a new work GrandMilf which is happening more and more since people seem to have kids way too early so if their daughters also have kids very young, then you can have a 31-year-old GrandMilf quite easily.

War on Drugs

Ah the price of the war on drugs. Hopefully most people have seen Traffic which does a decent job of showing how the war on drugs is going, but a great real life example is the story of Ripper which local tech writer Annalee Newitz just wrote up in this week’s Bay Guardian.

Read it over as it also has a link to Ripper’s site in case you don’t know what the whole story about his death is… (actually I just checked the link and the URL isn’t correct so here it is)


Fuck, I never realized how complicated ex-girlfriends and ex-potential girlfriends can be when they all mix together…. shit! Luckily I’ll be escaping this madness for a few days… whew!

Girl Friend

So I met a chick a few weeks back and we’ve hung out three times now. I think we are just friends, although I wasn’t sure at first. That is very cool though, since she’s laid back, smart, sporty and cool all around. It finally occurred to me last night as I was heading home after hanging out with her and some other friends for a late night.

The best thing about it, is that now I won’t feel bad about going out with other girls 🙂


I just read an interesting interview with James Nachtwey, a photojournalist who’s work I really admire. He has covered genocide, wars, and so it felt timely to read up more on him. I think I’ll check out War Photographer too if it’s playing in the city, since I feel like I would like to do work like that if I had the opportunity.