Category Archives: Uncategorized

War sucks…

So it just kinda sunk in as I read about protesters (go!) getting arrested downtown here in SF. We’re going to go to war and that sucks ass. I liked what some of them are chanting: “Support our troops, bring them home.”


I’m naked

Today I sold my D30 and 24-85 lens, my first forays into both digital SLRs and the world of autofocus. Luckily since it’s raining outside and I’m about to head out, I won’t have to carry my camera with me.

For my 31 project, I had to pop off a quick shot since the buyers came right over.

Tonight I am free and bare without my DSLR…

Being stoned…

I just read an interview of the Dalai Lama by Spalding Gray, and this passage made me laugh:

SG: “How do you avoid accidents?”

Dalai Lama: (laughs) “Just as ordinary people do. I try to be more cautious. One thing I can be certain of is that I won’t have an accident because of being drunk or being stoned by drugs.”

I guess I am accident prone at times…

A bit of Cantona

I finished a book I had for years that my sister gave me in like 2001 recently, so I’ve decided to catch up on my reading by reading the books I’ve owned for a while rather than getting or checking out new ones all the time.

A co-worker gave me The Meaning of Cantona and here’s a little snippet:

“Wilko is concerned that Cantona may be lonely in his new surroundings. He suggests that he keeps a cat for company. Cantona declines. ‘I have my neighbours.’ Wilko is not convinced. ‘But they can’t speak French.’ Cantona ponders for a moment. ‘Can the cat?’

Weekend thinking

Well, I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather but Thera-Flu to the rescue. I love that shit. Seems to always work. Anyhow, while I was resting in bed, I decided to listen to some Alan Watts and one of the great things from the particular speech I picked up on was this…

I can’t quite remember the context since I was half-asleep, but he asked, if you had to describe heaven, what would you include? It’s funny b/c when you get down to it, most of what you’d expect in a heaven type place wouldn’t include a big ass Hummer SUV, giant house or any of those things. The materialistic wants that are so prevalent, but rather the things that are so much more important in the big picture.

I thought that was an interesting way of putting things… ok, more tea.


Wow, today a peace rally was held here in San Francisco, and I was overcome with the amount of passion and compassion that was present at the event. There were people of all types protesting together against war, against our goverment, against hate, against greed.

There was so much positive peaceful energy in the air, that it felt like it must have felt like in the past when the threat of war was imminent. I can’t imagine what it must have been like, but I think that I would have been a draft dodger for sure. I could never bring myself to be a solider – to kill – even in the name of freedom.

Today I felt the energy that I have felt growing in America. I have no idea what will come, but here are some links to things I’ve enjoyed checking out:
video I saw twice this weekend, that some of my friends put together
interesting thoughts from Woody Harrelson

Guilty pleasures

So if you live in SF like I do and am tech-savvy (ok, a geek) then you have probably heard of if not used, Missed Connections on Craigslist. As a work break, I check it out almost regularly. Today I stumbled across this post which was hilarious.

If you don’t know what missed connections is, then you won’t get it but if you do, it’s quite a witty post. 🙂