Category Archives: with Photos

Photoshop techniques

I hate it when I create an action and then lose it. After I upgraded to CS3 I lost a few actions that I thought I had saved, but one was a technique I really liked using to tone and give a more raw effect to photos.

I just messed around for a bit to try and replicate it – not quite there, but hey if you only spend five minutes you can only expect so much…


Leaving home…

280 Alabama

Both these shots look much better to me larger (so click them and view the larger sizes on Flickr!) These are just things I noticed on the roadside while my dad drove me up the 280 to Birmingham to get to the airport. I really like rural Alabama – there are so many interesting things there that I wish I could have explored more, but alas I only had a few seconds as we whizzed by them on the highway… such is life!

280 Alabama

on the field…

49ers vs. Vikings
Finally shot my first NFL game which was the San Francisco 49ers vs. the Minnesota Vikings. Of course the Niners have been sucking ass, but what can you do? I did get to see Shaun Hill get his first touchdown and interception. It was a lot of fun being on the sidelines alongside notables like Peter Read Miller and the Z Man, Michael Zagaris. I kinda felt like a fool with my tiny 70-200 when everyone was shooting with 400s but hey it was fun nonetheless.



Finally checked out some art today and saw the spider on the Embarcadero. This older guy was walking by using his cane and the long exposure came out kinda neat. It was also a full moon rising behind the Bay Bridge…

old school

My birthday drink tickets at Qool
So I was cleaning up a little and found this old school drink ticket from Qool. I guess it was my birthday or the week of my birthday and the awesome folks at Qool made that week’s drink ticket with my image on it with a birthday wish on it too. I wonder if I can still redeem this?!