Category Archives: with Photos


Since I’ve been back home I’ve been having more vivid dreams for some reason.

Two nights ago I dreamt I was at some Fraternity house here at Auburn and at some meeting or something and there was Jason Belcher, someone I have not thought about since we were both in high school in Auburn. Anyhow, he was the same height as he was in high school but seemed shorter to me and had become SGA President at Auburn. I think it was Chris Compton who was interviewing him for some article and the following day in a slick full color double page spread (in what periodical I am not sure) was the interview which ended up being more of an expose’ including bits that I think Jason had not meant to be published. Some of the asides that were included were sure to bring him down as SGA President and all I could think of was how unfortunate thaht would all be.

Continue reading Dreams

Bustin’ people

I think one reason I’m decently able to capture certain types of situations is my sensitivity to them b/c I enjoy them myself. I think it’s like how you have to cultivate that sense of when to go in for a kiss. It’s not always spot on, but I guess it’s better to go for it and get shot down than not to try. Of course with the camera it’s a lot less commitment and risk.

Looking forward to the party tomorrow and a weekend without a shooting gig!

Another year…

Wow it’s crazy that another year is almost wrapped up. I’m kinda outta it as far as year end stuff for myself, but there are some nice things happening. The new studio space is coming along and has some good momentum now that we have a new architect on it (Amber, our old roomate Kim’s friend).

I was going through old contracts and releases and it’s hard to grasp the crazy year it’s been. I never watch TV now but I think the life I have lived this year is as interesting as any lame ass reality show. Just last night I hung out with a bodybuilder friend who was in town who’s having her own drama and that turned into a late one, but I’m looking forward to seeing another friend this weekend.

I think I often feel like the ladies in this photo. I guess since I was the one shooting at this it’s not surprising that they are looking this way…

Stupid Laws

I hadn’t really been up close and intimate with a same sex marriage until tonight and I think I can appreciate even more now why they should be legalized. The most devisive thing about the current debate was manifested though, illustrated by the absence of certain family members, and I could tell how much that hurt to think that even your own parents would not make your wedding for such close-minded reasons.


A friend of mine asked me if I get depressed and I had to think since I couldn’t really remember a time when I was depressed. I almost felt guilty for a negative response to that question, but that’s where it netted out.

Then on NPR there was a commentary about how American kids are doing too many drugs. This was in reference to anti-depressants and the like. I identified with the woman, who said she prefers to stay away from taking drugs for medication, and there were some good insights on why that was happening. Seems too many parents like to take the easy way out and the lure of prescribing drugs instead of talking through and determining what the real root of the issue may be is all to prevalent in our society today. I see this all the time, and it’s not a good situation but if you look at the divorce rate, it’s no wonder more than half the kids out there are depressed when their own family situation is not optimal as a starting point.

Better get off the soapbox now though. I did manage to enjoy myself a bit this long weekend mixed in with work…

Mighty on Thanksgiving night well, the night before after midnight
I don’t feel depressed ever, but sometimes I do feel like her…

Being in touch with your superpowers

Incredibles inspired

As anyone who is in touch with their superpowers can tell you, it’s not the easiest thing determining how you want to deal with them. Some people never realize theirs, while others have to work around them. Some consider them handicaps, while for others it’s used to mask who they really are.

It’s funny how an animated film can help you get in touch with your own self that way…

Too much travel

Since there have been so many outta town gigs, I haven’t had a chance to enjoy SF life as much as I’d like, so weekdays are my weekends. A week ago I went to an awards party for the Bring on the Night photography contest that I was selected as a finalist for, which was sponsored by 7×7 Magazine.

Stacey, my model, and I

A previous Monday I went to a birthday party for one of Julie’s friend’s and scored my personal all time high score on Galaga and also figured out that the highest shield represents 30 levels (that yellow one with blue on it).
playing Galaga
Galaga high score

And finally last Thursday Eleven, Inc. hosted their Eleven Deadly Sins tour party which was pretty fun.
Traci, Julie and I

Can they do it?

So I am not a Yankees fan and was glad to see the Red Sox come back to beat them, and while I may be a National League fan in general (the Giants being my favorite of course), I have to pull for the BoSox out of sentimentality and knowing that it’ll make the Yankees pain increase.

Of course pain reminds me of creative inspiration after talking to Bim today about the book he was reading. I still have this twisted desire to have my heart broken to gain the rush of emotions necessary for more emotive creativity. Of course by virtue of wanting it, I am already lost… oh well…

Marc Broussard can feel the Yankees' pain

Am I an American Elf?

I walked into a comic shop on my way back from a shoot and picked up an issue of Flaming Carrott and also James Kochalka’s American Elf. I liked that the book was a journal of five years of daily cartoons that he drew kind of like the 31 project I did a while back. Knowing how painful that kind of project could be, I picked it up with interest and liked some of the strips I read.

Here’s one that I can totally identify with that seems to sum up my life in certain ways…

James Kochalka strip

Castles, Caves and art

Got invited to a party for Big Magazine on Saturday night that was at the Albion Castle in the Bayview District which makes for an enjoyable Muni ride. Once I got there the place was totally fresh and really amazing. Two underground caves with fresh spring water flowing, about three different levels, and a solid vibe and cool photography. A pleasant surprise for sure…