Category Archives: with Photos

Only in San Francisco

So a new campaign to promote San Francisco launched this week and we are doing a lot of the photography for it. There was a little reception for people involved before the game and then we watched the Giants beat the Dodgers.

Yesterday we completed the four game sweep – delish!

– the slogan on the scoreboard

– orange beer

– claire

– after drinking lots of champagne and beer and mixed drinks, this is what I weigh

– the view from the afterparty

I just wanted juice…

and as I was walking to find a store that had some, I came across this bloody mess. According to the lady who owns the tanning salon, a guy was there and harrassing this woman who then stabbed the guy in the gut or so and the guy just started bleeding all over the place with the blood spewing about as you can see…

I dunno if that influenced my choice, but I got a cran-apple Dole fruit juice.

Birthday gift

On my birthday the kids from the company gave me a book called Offerings that has Buddhist quotes and photos for each day. I bookmarked a few that I really liked and am posting them here…

Do not encumber your mind with useless thoughts.
What good does it do to brood on the past or anticipate the future?
Remain in the simplicity of the present moment.

– Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche


walking along market street
I love walking places. You take things slower and observe more when you walk. It’s also easier to stop and change direction, stop to check something interesting out, and the pace is more chill.

I usually like walking down either more bustling streets or else the more hidden side streets. In San Francisco there are a lot of cool named side streets too which often have some interesting local businesses. Some good dive bars are often located on these streets as well…

Phone pix

So a friend of mine has an exhibit at a local art gallery, Rx Gallery with cell phone photos, so I figured I’d post some of mine and maybe upload a few to their submission site as well…

Julie loves the phone cam
Julie loves the phone cam…

standard diet items
standard diet items

back to China Camp finally!

self portrait 1

self portrait 2

jack emerges…

Bay to Breakers 2004

So I finally woke up early enough to grab drinks with Larry and his cabbie buddies after they got off work at 6:00 am. Since this weekend was Bay to Breakers, it made for perfect timing.

We met at Rich’s Club 93 on 93 Ninth Street just around the corner from the pad, so that was quite convenient.

Rich, the proprietor or Rich's
Rich, the proprietor or Rich’s Club 93

Pool was the game of the day

Late Night Larry
Late Night Larry

Bay to Breakers

Frank Chu, the perfect end to the race…

Clue: Prison Island, Not Alcatraz

My friend works on a prison island up in Washington state and I got to kick it with him one night after covering the 2004 Emerald Cup. It is called McNeill Island and it was totally amazing. Lush greenery (standard I guess for the Pac NW), lots of wildlife, a great shoreline on Puget Sound, and amazing views of three different mountain/ranges.

typical view of Ranier from the Island

i have a personal fascination with light streaming into dark barns or old decrepit buildings like this one… should have spent more time though making a good shot

most of the headstones just had #s on them. Luckily, this guy had a sense of humor

a cool installation art piece made by the inmates

yes, there actually is such a thing as quicksand and it’s out here. My friends told me one inmate fell in and it took like five people to get him out of it… doh!

Bokeh and such

I was just reading about bokeh which is an effect I’ve always liked, and while I was away in Niagara Falls, I tried playing around with some effects. Not quite the way I wanted, but a few shots…

This one is just some butterflies mating