Category Archives: with Photos

TV exposure

First we find that someone has blatantly ripped off our website for some company in St. Louis so I guess it’s time for our first litigation. Add to that the debut of the Orange Exposure team on The Learning Channel – hopefully they’ll be showing some of the office scenes when the episode of A Dating Story that I’m on airs in a couple weeks. If you want to check it out, I’m on the April 16th episode (coincidentally, my birthday) . If you want to know when it’ll be on exactly and read a synopsis, go here.

As for what happened with Candace and me? stay tuned…

my eye is f22

I’ve been shooting lots of interiors and setups of enviornments lately and it caused me to think about how the human eye works and what it’s aperture is (to geek out in photographic terms).

The linked article had some pretty interesting stats in it which satisfied my curiosity for the time being. I also went to two fresh spaces I hadn’t been to before. Beta Lounge on Illinois and Mighty on Utah. I think I had been to some parties at Beta Lounge before, but this was my first visit to Mighty and I definitely want to check it out some more.


Art is cool

Last Thursday I went to a cool opening of politically motivated posters called “Yo, What Happened to Peace?!”

It was the Punch Gallery and this piece was one of my faves. If I had some more cash I would have bought it, but perhaps another time. I hung out with Julie that night and afterwards we went over to Wish for a few more drinks. Then the next morning I was off to Boston for the weekend where it was freezing ass cold.

I now know why east coast folks are more abrupt and drink more. It’s cold in the winter, and they don’t have time to kick it like we do out here where it’s warmer and more relaxed. Drinking also helps to keep you warm, and it’s an indoor activity…

Crab Fest!

So at the San Francisco Crab Festival I came across an unusual item amongst the cookbooks and recipes which was a sex position a day book and so of course I looked up my birthday. It’s called the Jaws of Life, so I will have to try this:

Day four…

So it’s the end of day four of my fast. I’m thinking I should eat since I have a full day wedding to shoot on Saturday and don’t want to be loopy at all, but I kinda like this fast. I will have to go for the full ten day version later on. Since this is my first, I am pretty psyched on it.

It’s surprisingly easy to maintain and aside from the fact that I do enjoy eating, and can’t, I don’t mind it at all.


I hung out with my friend Christy today and we got pedicures. I’ve never done the nail salon thing before but the warm soak, foot massage and leg rub down was choice along with the hour long back massage – such a deal for $20!

The results…


So I went to a fashion co-op thing today to check out some designers after work, and found a cool bag for my sis. She also told me to check this out which says I can date women from 23-50 years old.

Luckily most women I meet are within that range. On Thursday I hung out with some friends after work and then went to check out the last Platform and hung out with Julie there, who modeled some of Noel’s new “Sixth Street” line of tees. Fresh stuff!


Another good word which means “I am what I am because of you.” It’s of Zulu origin which seems to be popping up a lot.

I was watching The Two Towers Extended DVD and Peter Jackson talks about how he was inspired for the lead up to the Battle for Helm’s Deep from a Zulu film he had seen years ago, and then I lear this new word. Perhaps I am being drawn to Africa since the Zulu’s are in South Africa where I was thinking of traveling to for a bit before I jump over to Madagascar. Yes, my long-talked-about-but-never-come-to-fruition trip to Madagascar has been on my mind a bit of late.

Portrait and Profile of an Excavator