Category Archives: with Photos

I love schadenfreude

My favorite new word of 2002 or 2003 was schadenfreude and tonight it was the word of the night not for it’s meaning so much as for the conversations that surrounded it, and more importantly who I was having the conversations with.

I have noticed Julie around before and haven’t been able to forget her, so it was fortuitous that she happened to walk up right near me at the bar and I struck up some conversation with her and ended up hanging out all night.

Not sure what it is, but there something about her… (maybe it’s the fact that I noted her almost a year ago in this entry)


I guess my sister and I are both considered ‘quirkyalones‘ which is a term I had heard before and just revisited when my Flavorpill email came in. Since Valentine’s Day is coming up, I guess it’s quite appropriate.

Anyhow I took the quiz at that page and I am:
Your score was 91. Very quirkyalone:
Relatives may give you quizzical looks, and so may friends, but you know in your heart of hearts that you are following your inner voice. Though you may not be romancing a single person, you are romancing the world. Celebrate your freedom on National Quirkyalone Day, February 14th!

my sis

Fucking Politics

I get so sick of all the terrible things that happen just because of politics. Some are people with money using that to get their way. Some is people that are too lazy to do real work getting their way, and others are just liars that will resort to anything to save their own asses.

With our local mayoral election coming up there’s quite a bit of mud slinging going on and seeing this sort of thing inspires me to vote against it. These sort of things are also the types of things I think that we are trying to change in our little way with the way we do business and how we are creating orange…

I heard Gary Hirshberg, the CEO of of Stonyfield Farms talk about socially reponsible businesses of which his is, and it was heartening to hear how you can stay true to your values and still be successful even in the realm of big business. It’s another obstacle that I would love to overcome, as I’ve always taken pleasure in doing things that either you aren’t supposed to do, or that are outside the norms. Hopefully though socially responsible business will become the norm, but in certain industries there is too much greed and power at play (oil anyone?).

So off the soapbox I go but then that’s what a blog is all about eh?

Enjoy your Turkey or vegetarian alternatives!

Viajay spins at a benefit for the Hunter’s Point Food Bank and Summer Camp programs in Hunter’s Point

Iron Bowl

Ah yes, it was appropriate that I make a trip on BART to the suburbs to catch the Iron Bowl this past Saturday day. It was also the day of the Big Game (Cal vs. Stanford) but since I hadn’t seen a whole Auburn game on TV or in person in a while, I knew I had to make it to catch the game.

Getting off at the station, you have to walk through this huge ass strip mall/mall parking lot, and you realize how car centric everything is out there. There aren’t even really paths to walk through the lot!

Well, at least Auburn won. I’ve been feeling a bit worn out today though. I think I need to chill out a bit which I will be doing with Thanksgiving coming up…

Moons over My Hammy

So Miami was fun for the most part, but pretty damn exhausting. The best thing was coming right back to a birthday dinner, scotch, and waking up to find out we have won the Webby Business Awards.

The bodybuilding season is over now for me, so I get to relax until the end of February of 2004. This was one of the last girls I shot, who was a heavyweight that I think will be a pretty popular athlete. I guess I’ll see if my talent spotting skills are still honed or need polish!

Also read a pretty interesting article in the New York Times Magazine about cell phones and technology. I haven’t gotten into text messaging or the camera phones, but I suspect I will have some of those features in whatever phone I do get next. Hm, guess I have two more weeks to geek out and figure out what to get and then I have the option to switch to any cellular provider and take my treasured # with me!

ends and beginnings

Saw the Matrix Revolutions last night under the influence and it was farily enjoyable. While some of the themes were a bit overly obvious and it drug on in parts, it was good enough. I think my order of enjoyment starts with the original, then Reloaded, and finally Revolutions.

I guess the thing I missed most about each successive film was the dilution of the themes of what reality is, and the post-modern worldview that seemed to become more and more special effects/Hollywood-ized in the second two films. Plus the Merovingian scenes could have been much more exciting, and worst of all, there wasn’t enough Persephone… (some of these thoughts I just saw echoed on this site)

I did see a preview for The Return of the King, and that was the only preview I did like. That should rock, and I’m definitely eagerly awaiting the final installment of that trilogy.

Reality Dating

So yesterday I finished taping my first television appearance. It was for A Dating Story, a show on The Learning Channel.

It was all quite an adventure since I’ve never done anything like it. I did like the format for the most part though since they do ask you to talk about philosophies, thoughts and perspectives on dating as well as your life. Since Orange is the biggest thing in my life right now, it was a nice little promo for the company, and I’m very interested to see how it’ll all turn out.

The most awkward thing was talking to my date on camera as our interactions off-camera may have been a bit better conversation-wise, but I think overall it went really well. I guess I won’t spoil the show and I really have no idea how it’ll appear once it’s all edited together…

if it doesn’t kill you…

shit, I have been devastating myself physically but somehow aside from being wiped out mentally, I’ve been ok.

There have been a lot of events lately, and for the first time ever, I was late to a gig. It sucked big time, but luckily it was someone I’ve known for a bit so he was not so pissed about it.

The events have all been fun though. I love the challenge of making them interesting while I work although I don’t know how good the photos are, but the drive to build relationships and keep our biz pipeline filled is a great motivator. Plus I love the whole Robin Hood-ness of it all…

Continue reading if it doesn’t kill you…