Category Archives: with Photos

Loveliest Village on the Plains

Yep, that’s the nickname of the town I spent most of my formative years in and where my parents still live. I was down in New Orleans to shoot an event, and since my flight didn’t leave until two days after the work was completed, I was originally going to enjoy the Big Easy but instead opted to rent a car and drive the over 12 hour round trip to make a surprise visit to my parents, who are now suffering from empty nest syndrome with my sister having moved far enough away not to be able to see them regularly as she could before.

It was nice to see them, and I could tell that my mom especially was elated for me to be back home, and that made the long driving all worth while. I can tell she’s having a hard time adjusting to being at home all alone with no more kids around. For about 30 years she was used to either me or Lisa being there, so I was happy to spend the two days in town with them. We went bowling and generally just relaxed, which is about all you can do in Auburn on an away game weekend…

Here’s a few shots from when I finally took my camera out.

changing perspectives

(photo by Lyndsey Hawkins who also had her work on display)

So I love going to check out art on gallery nights and although I haven’t gone for nearly a month, last night we checked out some work where Jack and I had submitted photos that got selected for a nightlife photography award. Although once we got there it was obvious that there weren’t enough entries but hey, it still was a good cause and there were free drinks and food.

But getting back to the point, it’s really weird to have your work out and watch people’s response to it. It’s a fun activity actually. The biggest thing I heard were people saying that I should have had a matte and that it didn’t look as
‘professional’ without it.

I will have to look around tonight to see if I can see how the artists may be watching for reactions to their work.

me at work…

On many weekends, I am off shooting bodybuilding events and it’s not as fun as it may sound but it is certainly interesting. One of the worst things is the Sunday morning shoots. Inevitably I have to wake up very early and basically have back-to-back shoots throughout the day.

Here’s some shots a videographer friend of mine shot while he was working in his conference room at the hotel…