Category Archives: with Photos

New servers and pix!

So the servers have been moved over so photos again on the blog. Last night was weird since the war started, and it was a bit surreal. Today there are protesters on the street, and if I wasn’t such a lazy ass, I’d be out there myself.


I saw this guy smoking crack in the MUNI station, but didn’t want to take a photo too close to him, even though he kept hiding his pipe and all under his jacket.

Ah the joys of urban living. Well, it’s blog mania today. girlfour finally added an entry, and then I had dinner with some friends who almost echoed some of what she had written in her blog.

Is everyone in some sort of funky ass situation with their relationships or is that just what relationships are? I have an evolving one myself, so I am trying to apply all my tertiary learnings to it… let’s see if my blog evolves in the same way or not.

Oh yeah, today I reviewed my first artist statement and got some good feedback. I guess I’ll try my second stab at it and post it here like the first draft…

Change is good…

I love change! Not the stuff you get when you break a dollar, but when things are not the same. Sameness sucks. If everyone was cool and nice, it would be so boring. If all girls were hot, they would only be to me. If food all tasted good, then when you had shitty food, you’d never know how great good food is.

There’s a lot of change going on now. Some it feels like things are getting super shitty, like this impending ‘war’ with Iraq. But since we ourselves can affect change, I will do my part. Maybe I love change too much. Maybe that’s why I never stay in relationships that long.

I know one thing though… when I see fresh poured concrete, I shall affect change on it, and that’s what I did in the photo above…

The bet…

So I have this bet that’s probably foolish but might turn out quite nicely for me. Either way though it’s a fun one, and since I was talking to my friend that I made it with, we decided to formalize the terms, since there wasn’t any legalese in it when we made it, but based on general contract law, if there is consideration and it’s agreed by both parties, then it’s a binding legal contract…


So for Qool this week they switched the room where the sound system is located to the 2nd street side and it threw things out of whack a little.

Luckily the folks were still dancing since the music was spot on, especially when Prophet dropped some super fat New Order.

Man vs. Nature

One thing that’s always stuck with me is the battle of ‘man vs. nature’ since it was a theme in books and literature I read during elementary and high school as well as a science vs. nature thing.

With all the advances in technology and science, the power of nature still rules supreme. There’s a really cool video piece some friends of mine made, call S-11 Redux and at the end, the narrator says:

“And so… it really comes down to a very basic choice that we have to make as a civilization:
Either: we will learn to bury the animosities of our ethnocentric, militant traditions and come to understand that Earth’s survival depends on our collective, unified participation, or we will sustain this cycle of violence and revenge until humanity is returned to the status of primitivity and Earth reduced to a rubble of antiquity.”

Oh yeah, this is the caption for the pic above from my 31 project…

day 300 – Sunday, February 9, 2003
Wow, day 300! I walked past this noticing the patch of green along the sidewalk and had to go back and take a shot. This grass (and a few tiny purple flowers) were growing out of a hacked down pole hole on Natoma. I love how nature continues on even amidst the overpowering concrete of SOMA.

Party time!

So our friend Shin just finished the flyers, so we are ready to full-on promote the party. After going to the magic glasses party this past weekend though, I feel like we should do it up even more, since that was such an amazingly good time, and I want to uphold the energy and vibe levels but we’ll see…

Serial Monogamy?

OK, so I’ve heard this term, and just today decided to look it up after perusing Craigslist postings.

Well, I don’t see that as a good description of what I am but I also don’t know what is. Anyhow, I was just thinking, if I did post a personal ad, and had a listing of what I like/dislike, I’d say it would go something like this:

Single Asian male, early 30s. Loves to ride MUNI for the adventure and instant excuse it provides (no one can blame you for being late if you ride MUNI!). Enjoys photography, travel, music, dancing and is comfortable being alone (aka not needy).

Enjoy walking, biking and reading.

Shit, this is too hard, now that I am actually trying it…