Category Archives: with Photos


Went to the Platform party last night which was really a nice vibe. Very eclectic mix of people from the society crowd, to hip scenesters, to not-so-hip wanna-be’s and whatever the hell I am.

This model was pretty cool. She’s been burned by local photogs so I felt for her, since that’s bad for everyone – models, photogs, etc. Well, looks like orange has even more work to do!

Late Night Larry

Prior to living in SF, I never had a personal cabbie. Although I’m not sure that’s the right term, it’s what I use. This is Larry, who’s my cabbie. I always try to use Larry when I can since he’s reliable, has the best stories, and good taste in music. Tonight my friend was hesitant to ride MUNI so I offered to call Larry and also took a ride myself since it had been a while since I saw Larry.

I’d like to do more photos of Larry since this one wasn’t my favorite, and he’s a very interesting person. If you need a cab in SF, use Veteran’s/Arrow, that’s who Larry works for…

What is love?

You know that you know that cheesy ass song that goes “what is love?!” in a techno kind of thing. I think there’s a SNL skit making fun of cheeseball club guys that has that on it. Anyhow, I realized tonight that I don’t know what it is exactly. Maybe it’s not so much that, but that I don’t know what it feels like to lose something that you love. The only people I’ve lost are my american “grandma” who was the lady next door who with her husband I called Grandpa and Grandma since I never really saw my real ones but a few times in my life.

When Grandma died, I was pretty young and cried and all that, but I didn’t have enough time to develop a deep relationship since I think I might have been seven or something. Since then, no one I’ve known has died. Of course, it’s not like death is a bad thing, since it’s just moving forward. But with the loss of a loved one (in a non-death sort of way) it’s different.

Continue reading What is love?

Sin City

Just got back from Vegas, and as always am quite happy to be back in SF. I had a good time, as it was good to escape for a bit, but I don’t think I was having as much fun as this girl.

However, being back has already been quite enjoyable. I got to meet Lauren Greenfield and chat today with her at her opening at 49 Geary today. I told her about my project and how some of her work had inspired me so that was quite cool.

Well, I’ve had Juliana Hatfield’s My Sister in my head all the time I was in Vegas. Don’t know why, but it might be because I wanted to send my sis a postcard, and plus I really dig that song…

OK, gotta snap my pic of the day here soon, it’s almost midnight!

New Years 2003

So another New Years comes and goes. I worked and it wasn’t too bad. Had a lot of fun shooting, and even connected with a few people. The girl on the right and I chatted for some time, and one thing I definitely noticed was how New Years forces many people to feel like they have to be with someone, even if it’s just for one night. I have to admit, I wasn’t immune to it, but since I had an excellent time at an after-party dancing to some very nice DJs, it was a very positive and memorable one.

I even got to see a desert princess that I totally remembered from Burning Man this year who was just as I last remembered her at Basswave Marina…


So last night I was at this party my friend invited me out to. It was with her co-workers and was pretty fun, since she works with CirqueDuSoleil’s touring Varekai show.

Well, the rejection portion of the evening was towards the end of the night when I was talking to some girl and it was that slight pause when you look at each other after saying something, and just stare.

So of course I was feeling that I could make a move and leaned in to kiss her, abut she swayed back and avoided my attempt – doh! Luckily she immediately leaned back into me and then kissed me. Well, then she went off and disappeared and I was walking around chatting.

On the way out, I saw her talking to some guy in the alley as I was leaving and looking for my friend, but I figured I had enough fun for the evening, and so left it at that.

– from the party (new friends, and Michelle)

In the Denon right now is CD2 of Anthony Pappa – Resolution


So I went to find my sister some locally made crafts for her Xmas and Birthday gifts. She gets gipped (pronounced ‘Jipd’ – aka ripped off) since her birthday is just five days after Xmas. Anyhow, there was also several bands and a fashion show and I had the trusty camera of course…

One thing I heard earlier that was kinda funny was how technology has gotten to the point where people are now buying TiVO’s and they never did figure out how to set their VCRs so a whole generation of technology has passed, and obviously it was flawed since people who are now buying and using a supposedly more advanced technology are able to use it much more effectively, and have avoided that dreaded


… (man, where’s the blink tag when you need it! OK IE folks, it’s not blinking for you, but I tried.)

In the CD player: Belle and Sebastian – fold your hands child, you walk like a peasant

Bowling for Columbine

I’ve never had Jarritos although they are always there when I get my tasty burritos at Pancho Villa where I went today with my friend Maria after checking out Bowling for Columbine.

What a great flick. The thing I was most happy to see was how basically everyone in America doesn’t trust the government whether it’s the Michigan militia lady who wants to ‘cut out the middleman’ and arm herself, or my progressive left-wing friends who are against our bloated government and scary leader, Dubya.

Anyhow, I highly suggest checking out this film as it’s both entertaining and a good eye-opener and refresher on what’s been going on in this country far too long….

Oh yeah, once again I’m enjoying Interpol – Turn on the Bright Lights.


I’m addicted to shallow depth of field. It’s one of the more interesting things to play with in photography, since it’s something you can’t quite replicate with your own eyes. OK, back to work!

Oh yeah, I’m listening to Weezer – Maladroit

Big Head? or Go Wide!

Here I am listening to a rendition of the Nutcracker on KUSF after a Raider’s victory and a day spent largely indoors.

So here’s my big head, courtesy of the 16-35 mm on the 1D. The reduced crop factor makes it much wider at 16mm and I am enjoying going wide, which is a bit of a departure from my usual desire to get closer.