Category Archives: with Photos

Ah the old days…

My good friend Stano (who I actually laid off in the days as things fell apart) sent me this link.  We’re actually in the montage around 0:22 for like 1/20th of a second.  It’s funny to think of all the work done internally and what ultimately became of the company.  I actually saved some of my old shirts thinking that around 2026 (25 years after the end of that first era) the Smithsonian will want relics from the era and I’ll donate them then.  See if you recognize any of these folks – I imagine many are still working at web 2.0 companies but many others like myself are in totally unrelated industries.

Continue reading Ah the old days…


fernet brancaYeah all you need to know is if you have heard of Fernet then you’ve probably tried it.  Here in San Francisco we all seem to love it.  I can never seem to find it in many other cities and the last time I was in LA, the bartendress at Mr. T’s Bowl knew immediately of where I came from.

As she turned around to face me after hearing my order, the beautiful blonde with the silver pants said, “you must be from San Francisco!” in her charming Russian accent.

She was right of course.

So the first time I ever had Fernet was when I was shooting an event for Fernet who was promoting the drink at a bar in North Beach dispatching young lasses with low cut tops and tight pants to distribute it throughout the bar (this was Feb 2, 2004).  After my job was done, I decided to try it out since the women were very compelling and it was free.  Many, many shots later and the morning after, I wake up in a strange apartment near the Embarcadero.  It was then Friday morning so I looked around worriedly and found my camera bag with everything intact, but nobody around.  I looked at the pix on the camera and chimped away realizing I must have been pretty sloshed since I let some people use my camera to record evidence of the debauchery.

I didn’t see anyone or any photos in the apartment so I had no idea who lived there, but decided to just head home so left and did the walk of shame as many folks were on their way into work in the Financial District.

My friend Andrei sent me a cool link to an article from the SF Weekly on Fernet and San Francisco – check it out! (photo below of the part of that evening that I don’t recall…)
fernet evidence