I get so sick of all the terrible things that happen just because of politics. Some are people with money using that to get their way. Some is people that are too lazy to do real work getting their way, and others are just liars that will resort to anything to save their own asses.
With our local mayoral election coming up there’s quite a bit of mud slinging going on and seeing this sort of thing inspires me to vote against it. These sort of things are also the types of things I think that we are trying to change in our little way with the way we do business and how we are creating orange…
I heard Gary Hirshberg, the CEO of of Stonyfield Farms talk about socially reponsible businesses of which his is, and it was heartening to hear how you can stay true to your values and still be successful even in the realm of big business. It’s another obstacle that I would love to overcome, as I’ve always taken pleasure in doing things that either you aren’t supposed to do, or that are outside the norms. Hopefully though socially responsible business will become the norm, but in certain industries there is too much greed and power at play (oil anyone?).
So off the soapbox I go but then that’s what a blog is all about eh?
Enjoy your Turkey or vegetarian alternatives!

Viajay spins at a benefit for the Hunter’s Point Food Bank and Summer Camp programs in Hunter’s Point