OK, as an exercise in this book I’ve been reading, I’m required to write down some aspects of my ideal mate, in essence, a personal ad, but with certain categories of details – here it goes…
I finally got to catch a band I like that a friend of mine is in, and they were excellent. Although it was hot as shit in the Edinburgh Castle, it was a sweet, intimate setup and they rocked…
OB’d last night and almost got knocked out by the brownies… my apologies
Five minutes @ Venice Beach
how perfect is this? there’s even an Obey Giant sticker present!
LA @ sunset
I saw this taped to the back of a bathroom stall once during the dot.com boom when people had time to think of all these things. I imagine it’s very “Office Space”-esque although I haven’t seen the flick.
Anyhow, enjoy….
I don’t like the word perfect, since it’s a state that seems a bit unrealistic in many forms… regardless, I had a conversation with my friend over dinner about dating, etc.
She suggested I check out a book “If the Buddha Dated” and we also talked about how relationships develop and grow and what it is about a partner that makes them ideal.
One thing I think I am going to do is figure out what traits I like in a person – what is most important to me, b/c now that I started thinking about it there are some things that are obvious but many more that I should probably think about in more detail.
Sounds like a fun exercise to me…
So today during lunch Andy accidentally gleeked but he called it gleet, so I had to wonder what the right word was for it.
I liked gleek and was hoping that was right since I like Gleek from the SuperFriends.
Apparently I was right and it is ‘gleek’ as I found here.