Well, once again I think I’m psychic. Tonight was a ‘me’ night, and I enjoyed the guilty pleasure of the film “Bring it On” which I had only seen in an airplane before (and I mean seen – I didn’t listen to the audio, just looked up every once in a while to look at the monitors).
Anyhow, I was inspired to check out some hip hop and thought of going to Storyville, but instead didn’t make it out there (the two clubs I went to weren’t open), and when I got back home, saw that Scratch was playing after this other film “Two Hands” so I watched it.
Of course, if you’ve seen the film, there’s tons of SF in it, and a few scenes from Storyville, as well as this guy I met the last time I was there, who’s a hip hop producer I now realize.
Pretty interesting films, both of them, actually… and now I am going to crash out…